Thursday, June 13, 2013

Akathisia, Suicide, Homicide from Psychiatric Drugs: Dr Yolanda Lucire Lays It Out on Video

HT to

Thank You Dr. Lucire.

Notice that Dr. Lucire didn't need hundreds of thousands of dollars of Research Grants from the Makers of these drugs to do her work. Nor did Dr. Lucire need a $7 Million Dollar Drug Company donation to build a special clinic to do her research in.

We'd Like to suggest that Dr. Lucire's presentation be viewed by everyone holding a seat in the US Congress, but that would Probably be a waste of time with knuckleheads like This in the US Senate.

Democrat Calls Border Fence "Dumb" While Claiming South Dakota Is A Border State

These drugs have no business being reimbursed by CMS, none.

There are a million comments which Could be made regarding Dr. Lucire's contribution, but we'll leave you with just, our single favorite. They're already prohibited by US Federal Law.

And Thank You again, Dr. Lucire.

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