Medicine was a stink pit of corruption and good old boy butt covering long before ObamaCare tossed its gasoline on the fire, and this problem is not exclusive to the VA by any stretch of the imagination.

Medical Boards Lack Resources ??? To Punish Dangerous Docs
Are State Medical Boards Doing Enough To Protect Patients?
VA Doctors are exempt from being licensed in the State where the VA hospital is located.
Christopher Carson says that if he’d known what Dr. Robert Finley III had been accused of in Des Moines, he never would have let the surgeon touch his father at a veterans hospital in West Virginia.Asa Carson, 71, died in 2013 of what the family says were painful surgical complications. His son was stunned to later learn that the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in Huntington, W.Va., had hired a surgeon who was charged with incompetence by Iowa regulators. Finley agreed in 2011 to pay a $5,000 fine to settle allegations that his mistakes caused the deaths of six Iowa patients and injured three others in 2005 and 2006.“In my mind, there should be more repercussions,” Carson said. “You shouldn’t be able to just pack your bags and move to another state.”The Carson family is suing the VA in federal court, contending that Finley bungled three abdominal surgeries on Asa Carson and failed to fix a correctable perforated colon.Finley, 59, who used to practice at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, has denied wrongdoing. He continues to work at the VA hospital in Hunt ington. He did not respond to requests this week for comment.If current patients checked Finley’s background on the West Virginia medical board’s website, they would find no hint that he’d been in serious trouble in Des Moines. To find that information, they would have to know to look at Iowa records, or they would have to pay $9.95 to look on a national website.
Thank You DMR and Dapandico.
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