Do these people look like their 'Mental Health' has been improved? Do these people look like their quality of life has been improved?
Imagine if you will, someone slipping a nightly dose of some highly toxic substance into another person's dinner, and over time observing the victim's muscular twitches and malfunctions as the victim's Brain is attacked and progressively deteriorates. Bear in mind that this conduct occurs every day in America. It's not a TV crime thriller. Telly Savalas, Gene Barry, or Tom Selleck aren't going to come to the rescue.
Antipsychotic 'medications' are such a toxic substance. Antipsychotic 'medications' are daily inflicted - by the Millions in return for $ Billions - on children, the elderly, and people of all ages. Antipsychotic 'medications' produce the Brain damage that manifests itself to our view as 'Tardive Dyskinesias'.
Would You want to have to wear these contortions, in public, if the rest of you could even get out in public?

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