Sadly, these honest men and women of intelligence and conscience, and their views from within the industry, often don't receive the larger broadcast platform their expertise commends them to.
Recently recommended by Alison [I hope Alison's reading. Stop by and say Hi]: is Dr Karen Franklin, with her take on recent Court happenings in the area of "Injured Plaintiffs Falsely Branded Malingerers" and a recent deflation of the Courtroom validity of MMPI: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Looks like quite a dust-up, with forensic experts being advised to make sure they know what they're up to before taking it up, in Court.
Psych and HWGA [Here we go again]
"critics [of MMPI] say it brands too many people - especially women - as liars"
Gee Whiz. What a Shock; considering that we've Already seen the blatant anti-black and anti-hispanic racism rampant throughout Psychiatry, to say nothing of its past anti-semitic atrocities. Now we have Sexism on top of the psych-pig pile too.
Hmmm. Looks like there's some obstruction in the Jeffries Tubes preventing our live link at the moment. It might be that runaway LeMonde article that ducked out of Engineering behind Scotty's back.
Anyway, here's the good Dr Franklin's URL, so for now, open a new window and type away.
You back already?
Govt's legitimate responsibilties lie in maintaining a standing Navy, calling out the militia to quell insurrections, and getting the Hell out of the way on just about Every other issue imaginable. Govt. has NO business Whatever authorizing Anyone to determine the future legal debilitation of anyone else, based on Pharma's pill-pushing manual.
This 'In Loco Parentis' [expletive deleted] Crap being vested in Bribe Taking, "Yes Sir, We'll get right on it and SELL Your Poisons, Sir" is not only a crime against the spirit and tenor of the very Rule Of Law - without which we will All descend into savagery - but a Crime against all humanity itself.
The ongoing destruction of people merely 'for their own good and their Own safety' has to cease. If someone is acting 'strangely' enough to worry law enforcement about that person's safety, here's the only anywhere near acceptable limit.

3 days in the tank, then another 3 without the jacket if they still don't get it. Then If they still want to bang their head against the bars, or the wall outside, it's Their affair, Not anyone else's. Permanent lifetime debilitation by 1st labeling and then poisoning that person with chemicals which cause brain damage and May, turn that person into a killer, on a "pay for prescribe, take the bribe", basis, deserves real time in real prison in return, BECAUSE, These Jackasses have NO idea WHEN, WHERE, or AGAINST WHO, THEIR VICTIMS MIGHT GO OFF.
Here's Frederick Douglass:
"Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
— Frederick Douglass, civil rights activist, Aug. 4, 1857
Now we're Not advocating you inflict blows upon your Psychiatrist, that's too good for them, and very bad for you. Take them to Court, and Lock them up.
Douglass didn't convince you? How about this one?
"... freedom of men under government is to have a standing rule to live by, common to every one of that society, and made by the legislative power erected in it. A liberty to follow my own will in all things where that rule prescribes not, not to be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, arbitrary will of another man, ..."
— John Locke, Second Treatise, Ch. 4 § 21
And yet again:
"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." — Daniel Webster
We'll happily, and thankfully file the estimable Dr Franklin under NEWS; because:
1: Dr Franklin seems to be a very intelligent Dr whose very well versed in her area of expertise.
2: We love to learn stuff - unlike Psychiatry which doen't want You to know Jack - and what we've learned so far about the current Institution of pill-pushing for pay Psychiatry is that we wish Any of their master's/Pharma's products worked. Wouldn't it be lovely to just take a pill, whenever you take a look at Psychiatry? A safe, effective, affordable, anti-bulimic, to keep you from puking your guts out?
3: We're going to sup at Dr Franklin's fountain of knowledge in the hope of arming You, with any knowledge we can scrounge which may help You, if You or Your's have been the victim of this pseudo-scientific crap masquerading as medicine; the NAZI pseudo-science called Psychiatry.
4: Dr Franklin's site exists because there's a Brazilian rain forest worth of legislation surrounding Psychiatry, and much of its been bought by Pharma to push product. Psychiatry and its tangled rain forest of legislative protections both need repealing.
The oft heard paternalistic bombast of, "There ought to be a law." needs an answer, of "Yes, there Ought to be a law: requiring that for Every following law to be enacted, You, Senator, must 1st repeal 6 existing laws". They could repeal away for 50 years without even Approaching any of their pet porkers under even That stricture.
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