Ahh -nd yet again, the redoubtable Ms. Vera Sharav of AHRP.ORG has the dirt, on Why, (Warning: movie sound bite) Eschenbach's clearing the way for Bristol Myers Squib to advertise and Direct Market, their atypicical antipsychotic poison Abilify, to poison children exhibiting the Behavior, labeled as Bipolar is a bad idea.
Oops. Here's the Real AHRP Link.
If Only, Bristol Myers Squibb were a true Squib load. Squib loads are exploding EFX blood packs in the movies where actors get shot, and then get back up to go work on another movie, unlike the lives and careers getting shot with these Pharma loads.
TAF.ORG [Taxpayers Against Fraud] has a table [page bottom] on monies recovered from Pharmaceutical cos. under the Federal False Claims Act. This table has Bristol Myers Squibb at $499 Million recovered By Govt as of 12/15/06, for: Marketing the spread on a variety of drugs and off-label marketing of the schizophrenia and bipolar disorder drug Abilify.
Lab Rats enjoy Far Better Legal Protections Than Human Research Subjects.
Tomorrow's news, yesterday: [NYT Sept. 28 2007] Read it and weep. If you expect the FDA to clean its own bowl and look out for anyone but Pharma, you're whistling past the graveyard.
With these little pill shaped cannisters of time release Zyklon B knocking the life out of Millions, while knocking down Billions, [$34.4 served/poisoned '06] you'd have better luck calling these guys than our currently mis-constituted, and Unconstitutional, FDA.
Update: 10/24/08: Unconstitutional is the wrong word. It's ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL since this FDA Preemption Crap directly Usurps & Cancels the People's VII Amendment RIGHT to Trial By Jury.

When We call this Govt./Industry colluding FDA fiasco ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL We're not joking. Julia's got links at her site. The lead off clues us in on a plot by Pharma to poison women, for being new mothers. This medico-fascism is NOT, what our Federal Govt. is supposed to be doing, on Our dime.
Need We remind you that Andrea Yates descent into hell at the hands of 'Mental Health' poisoners was initiated under the guise of 'post partum' depression?
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