With more and more 'mental illness' being 'discovered' every day, [everywhere except by fripperies Not funded by Pharma tax fraud] engineering the need for ever more and more Psychiatric dope pushing producing its concommitant wash of sleep walking, brain damaged zombies from the Eloi who used to be our neighbors - we yearn for a resounding yell from John McFadden announcing that our side has scored the winning touch down, and the clock has run out.

That's Yersinia pestis, and on the left, its carrier. In 1348 it swept through Europe wiping out 1/2 of Europe's population.

That's yersinia pestis, and on the left its carrier. 1 in 20 Americans are infected with anti-depressant Yersinia pestis. 20 million are infected with neuroleptic Yersinia pestis. Almost 20% of the boys in school are getting infected by the Myth of ADHD Yersinia pestis.
Do we have to go rearranging these pictures to make the point?
Gas is headed for $4.00 a gallon. Even NASA can't locate the Firm of Brown & McFly delivering on those Flux Capacitor powered DeLoreans anytime soon.

Pharma's Yersinia pestis Court Room restitution for Medicaid and Medicare Fraud is headed for Pluto.
Do you think that any of That, might have anything to do with this, guidance counselling 'Mental Health' fascistic meddling of "Here, we'll put you on the pill honey," national tragedy from the NYT? People, we're All getting fluxed here.
Can We get a Hallelujah chorus, please?
Cut the GD funding Off, All of it.
Nice analogy man! We do need to stop drugging people and find their real, underlying problems!
Just as a note about Back to the Future... The DeLorean ran on gasoline. The Flux Capacitor ran on nuclear energy... so we'd be pretty screwed with Brown and McFly running the show too. (Yes... I am a nerd - but to be fair - my boyfriend made me watch Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3 a trillion times.)
Hey Julia, Thanks for stopping by. Would that be like the 1.21 Gigawatt nuclear fluxing, ... we're All getting from Pharma?
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