By today's lights Ziggy was a four alarm 5150, insurance check, Medicare medicable cash cow. Here, Wiki has this fruitcake spending a month dissecting eels, searching in vain for eel testicles. He wrote a paper about it. Today, we have eel testicle chasers all over the place writing papers about it, and still not finding any, while scooping up hundreds of $Millions in everyone else's taxes. They're called Schizophrenia Researchers, Psychiatric Genetics Researchers, and Psychiatric Neuroimaging Researchers.
Josef Stalin once said: "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Today, Pharma's money counts Psychiatry's votes, so the Zigster is still in, [like Ralph Nader] instead of out, as the condescending dope pushing fraud he was.
One of Ziggy's clients was Princess Marie Bonaparte - the grand daughter of Napoleon's brother - to whom Ziggy confessed: ''At that time I went twice a day to an old lady to give her injections. I was about 30, and I was very ambitious, dissatisfied with my situation. I treated only poor people at that time. No princess! And I felt this as I climbed the stairs in that house. As I had to clear my throat, I spat on the stairs instead of spitting into my handkerchief like a well brought-up man. But it was out of contempt for the poor house, for the poor people who were my only patients at that time.''
Nice guy, huh? But that's in perfect harmony with what Psychiatry is, and always has been: a pile of contempt for their 'poor' clients, 2 injections/2 pills a day, crap.

What's this? Psych 101? Which reminds us: next time you meet a college tee wearing whatknot, ask them what their major is. And if they say Psychology, ask why. We always get a suppressed giggle from the ladies, before they say, "Well, I couldn't pick a major."
Of course they couldn't. They're too intellectually malnourished to tackle anything where 2+2 Has to add up tp 4, like accounting or engineering. With Psych, you just recycle whatever half baked clam bake burps out of your Prof, and you're issued a meal ticket. In Psych there Are no right or wrong answers. Just sell the voodoo, and that saleable voodoo, is mental illness.
Freud pushed cocaine, to change his client's brain chemistry. It changed his friend Flieschl Marxow's brain chemistry so well, that like today's psychic alchemists with their brain chemistry altering dope, Freud's dope cure killed his client.
Today, Millions of Psych's victim's get Ritalin. Freud's victims got cocaine. According to the DEA that's 6 of one and 1/2 a Dozen of another. Ritalin and cocaine are both DEA Class II drugs: each as destructive as the other.
By today's DSM standards, Zigmund - should he wander unrecognized into a Shrink's office and have a chat with his pupil - would Himself be condemned as an incurable nutter. Psychiatry's DSM-IV-TR condemns anyone who uses cocaine, but better yet, Anyone who is Kicking and Cleaning Up, from coke, is incurably 'Mentally Ill'.
So if some dumb slob gets strung out like Ziggy, and he's sweating it getting Clean, Psych's DSM treatment is to poison him, punish him with even More brain damage, and maybe kill him with their drugs, for cleaning up. And you Wonder Why, We call them Psychroaches?
AHRP.BLOGSPOT.COM has yet Another report on the lie of better living through modern dope pushing. This one's from Sweden, where 52% of the women suiciding in Sweden got so un-depressed on anti-depressants, that they, well, committed suicide, and that 80% of all adult suicides in Sweden had been treated with psychiatric drugs..

The Bonaparte exchange is from an old NYT piece by Daniel Golman: Freud's Mind: New Details Revealed in Documents.
It's too bad Freud's cocaine hadn't killed him 50 years earlier. It might have saved us all a lot of suicides, misery, and murders.
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