Here's Lilly's release.
C O R R E C T I O N -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY)
On Feb. 8 2007 Evelyn Pringle brought us:
Nobody Buys Lilly's Innocence Routine About Zyprexa
"Eli Lilly is having trouble obtaining and retaining insurance coverage for Zyprexa litigation because apparently insurance companies are no longer willing to buy its wide eyed innocence routine when it comes to the company's fraudulent off-label marketing schemes.
In filings with the SEC, Lilly admits that it is having problems and that the company may end up having to pay its own Zyprexa costs, but blames it on the insurance industry stating: "We have experienced difficulties in obtaining product liability insurance due to a very restrictive insurance market and therefore will be largely self-insured for future product liability losses."
[Zyprexa has brought approximately $30 Billion into Lilly's coffers, and as of 14 months ago they were having problems buying insurance for it.]
On June 17 2006 Ms. Pringle brought us this piece on Lawyers and Settlements:
Drug Companies Still Peddling Risperdal and Zyprexa For Off-Label Use
"Persons on atypicals have been found to commit suicide two to five times more frequently than the schizophrenic population in general. According to award winning author, Bob Whitaker, "researchers in Ireland reported in 2003 that since the introduction of the atypical antipsychotics, the death rate among people with schizophrenia has doubled."
In an August 2005 interview with Street Spirit, Whitaker said: "They have done death rates of people treated with standard neuroleptics and then they compare that with death rates of people treated with atypical antipsychotics, and it doubles."
"In fact," he said, "in their seven-year study, 25 of the 72 patients died."
Here's more Zyprexa griping from an outfit called NARPA [National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy]
Bonkersinstitue.org has a page listing the reported side effects from Zyprexa.
If you head over to furiousseasons or pharmalot [both linked on the sidebar] you'll notice the commenters are getting a wee bit hot under the collar.
Atypical Antipsychotics cause a human body to attack itself, and sometimes, others.

The LA Times reports: When the waist widens, risk of dementia rises
Massive weight gain is just one of antipsychotic poisons side effects. 'Mental Healths' response to damn near every aspect of human behavior is to tag it with a debilitating label, and poison its victim. The Mental Health Industry Creates, Markets, and makes Hundreds of $Billions Selling, Mental Illness.
Get on the phone, and cut off the GD funding, All of it.
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