Via The Hill:
Intelligence officials have determined that Islamic extremists have explored using the refugee program to enter the United States, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee said on Monday.Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) declined to go into detail about the determination, which the Obama administration has not announced publicly.Yet the disclosure could add ammunition to critics of the White House’s refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Thank You The Hill and Bill.
Now just wait. It won't be long for the media to out explode the Hindenburg over this next one.
Trump Calls For Total And Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering The United States
Mass-moonbat meltdown in 3… 2… 1…

Update: And we’re off.

Too Cool!
Thank You Zip, and Donald Trump.
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