2008: Texas Dept Of State Health Services, TMAP Project Overview
2004: Janssen Admits Hiding Risperdal Risks (AHRP)
The Miami Herald reports (below) that in a letter to doctors, Janssen Pharmacia, manufacturer of the highly promoted drug, Risperdal (risperidone), admitted "misleading doctors and other healthcare providers about the safety of its product, minimizing potentially deadly side effects." As late as Nov. 10, 2003, Janssen claimed Risperdal did not increase the risk of diabetes among consumers--when the company knew the opposite was true.We posted Nov '08 and if you need a refresher on antipsychotics:
"The drug, Risperdal, has been commonly prescribed to Florida children in state care, including to a handful of boys who developed lactating breasts after taking it."
Circuit Judge John A. Frusciante, said Risperdal continues to be used frequently by doctors who treat children in state care. ''It is not uncommon,'' he said, noting:
"This whole psychotropic drug issue is a problem for us. It's a very scary area to be in, because we know medication can be a tremendous help for a number of children. But we also know that there are risks to the children who are taking these medications.'' , ..... ,
"1. One in every 145 patients who entered the trials died, and yet those deaths were never mentioned in the scientific literature.Click HERE to view videos of Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia.
2. The trials were structured to favor the Atypicals and most of the study reports were discounted by the FDA as being biased.
3. One in every thirty-five patients in Risperdal trials experienced a serious adverse event, defined by the FDA as a life threatening event or one that required hospitalization.
4. Twenty-two percent of patients in Zyprexa trials suffered serious adverse events
5. The Atypicals did not demonstrate superior effectiveness or safety over Typical antipsychotics.
It is important to note that a drug company does not have to prove that a new drug is safer or more effective than an old drug to gain FDA approval. Essentially, the manufacturer has to demonstrate that the drug is proved to yield better results than placebo in a statistically significant number of patients in short-term trials (6-8 weeks). "
2005: Bush: Texas Two Step - TeenScreen & TMAP (Evelyn Pringle)
In October, 2004, the Texas inspector general for the Health and Human Services Commission said his office interviewed staff at three state licensed wilderness camps, which provide care for some foster children, and found that the average child arrives on four or five psychotropic drugs. (pg 2)
Randolf Townsend Nevada
Townsend was a Nevada state Senator when Nevada adopted TMAP. In Nevada, he worked to provide extended state and insurance company funds for mental health services and mental health medications.2003: Presidents New Freedom Commission On Mental Health: Subcommittee Reports
America is Loaded with 'Mentally Ill' Homeless people, even in Nevada.
2005: Human Services Campus Spurring Development Options Near Capitol
The new development is the $24 million Human Services Campus, a public and private development that brings together several social service and health agencies that help the estimated 10,000 to 14,000 homeless men, women and children in Maricopa County. .....2007: Pinnacle West Ceo Pay Pkg For 2007 Totals $6.75 Million
..... When the social services in the old buildings nearby relocate onto the new campus, those sites are expected to become available for redevelopment, said Marty Shultz, chairman of the new facility's capital campaign and vice president of government affairs for Pinnacle West Capital Corp.
Shultz said opening of the new facility and proposals to demolish older nearby buildings have the attention of land brokers and others. Although he didn't have details, Shultz said "the prices of land in that area are going sky high now."
2009: news.muckety.com links Pinnacle West Capital to Williams and Jensen, a Lobbying Firm
and That connection has Williams and Jensen connected with: (among many others)
Abbot Laboratories DepakoteAnil Godbole Illinois
Amgen Inc
AstraZeneca PLC Seroquel
Bayer Corporation
Hoffman LaRoche Inc.
Merck & Co. Gardasil
Novartis Corporation Ritalin, Tegretol
Pfizer Inc Geodon, Neurontin, Xanax, Zoloft
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association Everything
Wyeth Effexor
Godbole had a strong partnership with the Illinois State office of Mental Health when Illinois adopted TMAP.2002: Fed Commission Overlooks Access Concerns, Says Psychiatrist Member
* The good news, according to Godbole, is that with advances in science and service-delivery methods, effective treatment is available.2003: Presidents New Freedom Commission On Mental Health: Subcommittee ReportsThe bad news is that effective treatment reaches only a few people.
"We will look more into access to quality care," he said. "How many of the problems relate to ($) funding issues? Workforce training? Fragmentation?"
Godbole said the commission will need to find ways of incentivizing the implementation of best practices by ($) reimbursement strategies.
2004: Daily Herald Special Report, Depression Among Our Elderly
A significant gap exists between what experts know works and what is practiced in communities, Godbole said he and his fellow presidential panel members found.2009: Anil Godbole To Lead AHA's Sec For Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services
Godbole and Lebowitz said they believe the treatment system must be revamped to focus on better ($) detection of mental illness away from hospital and institutional settings and in the primary care doctors' offices, clinics and other community centers where senior citizens spend their time.
A "collaborative care model" that puts mental health workers in offices alongside primary care physicians works, Godbole said, but it's not being used much, partly because such care is not ($) reimbursed or ($) co-payments are too high.
"What we need is to create an understanding that our resources need to be appropriately distributed to family care," Godbole added.
"It's a win-win situation, really. It's just that a lot of people don't know it, don't know how to do it, and the ($) reimbursement system isn't set up to support it."
ssristories.com 2800 + Disasters
Robert Pasternak NewMexico
Pasternak served as the Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services when New Mexico adopted TMAP2002: Statement Of Assistant Sec. Robert Pasternack Before The House Sub Committee On Labor/HHS/ED Appropriations For Learning
2003: Corporate Culture And Disability Symposium - Blue Ribbon Panel hosted by Merrill Lynch
Nancy Carter Speck Texas
Speck was a coordinator at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston while TMAP was being developed at that facility. Speck was also associated with the Texas Department of Mental Health during TMAP’s development.American College Of Mental Health Administration
2002: SAMHSA Director's Report
Deanna Yates Texas
Yates was associated with universities and psychological services in both Texas and California during the time in which TMAP was adopted in those states. Yates is an outspoken ($) proponent for ($) legislation allowing Psychologists to ($) prescribe medication for mental illness.2002: Fight Over Prescribing Rights Heats Up
Here Psychologist Yates and crew ready to Fight Psychiatrists if they must, to obtain the Prescription Pad, and they pull no punches. There isn't however, mention of the Psychiatrists Drug Co ($) Kickbacks.
"And we are going to go forward with this until we get it." said Yates, a San Antonio Psychologist and a member of President Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health.2003: U.S. Mental Health Needs Less Stigma, More Consumer Input
* Approximately 30 percent of the nation's adults suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder and 20 percent of children show signs of a diagnosable mental health disorder in the course of a year, yet many of these people have slipped through the cracks of the mental health system, according to the final report of the president's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, released in late July.Disable and Addict them Young, ...... Very Young
2006: mhtransformation_meeting_minutes 10 16 2006
Ms. Wilson asked if it would be helpful if the legislation stated that (your) mental health is part of public health. *(T)
Ms. Ferris added that we could say that mental ($) health is a disability. It may be obvious but it impacts qualification for ($) services and ($) assistance.
Dr. Wanser presented to the group that this month’s issue of Journal of Public Health is about mental health – mending our broken mental health systems. We know what the predictors are, and the science supports it. If we ($) turn what we know into things we do with ($) legislation, what would those be? What are the best ways to reduce this discrimination in communities and ($) agencies?
Deanna Yates agreed with Mike Halligan – we are never going to get rid of stigma completely. The point of addressing stigma is that it’s a barrier to people getting ($) care. We need to have a ($) system where it’s OK for ($) teachers or others to seek help for people – anything ($) we can do within the system to help people feel comfortable seeking ($) help. (pg 9)
Ms. Garza stated that all the way down to Pre-K, we address physical health with children, but we don’t do that with mental health as part of their health.
* Tyranny. Your 'Mental' is Public.
How about foregoing the imposition of your Own ($) Opinionated STIGMA , ....... by Not STEALING, for Drug Money, an American Citizen's Constitutional Rights and Protections, ...... with your Disabling labels, before that Citizen is even in Kindergarten, ..... You TAX FED Ideates? (But then you'd have to get another job, ...... which didn't involve Disabling, Drugging and Crippling Children.)
In California, Thank Dog, they've Still got money to Poison Children For Fun And Profit (backstory) as they're continually Improving Their Quality Control in Mental Health. (Its 18 pages only take 20 seconds to click through, wipe, and flush.)
And Good Luck Finding 1, Single, actual objective in this PPT full of 'Pull My Finger', ...... beyond "Think Happy Happy Thoughts" on everyone else's ($) reimbursement, ....... while pushing Drugs that toss 1 in 35 people into a 6 foot 'Recovery' hole.
2008: Director Of Controversial TMAP Program Leaves (Pharmalot)
Read the 1st and 2nd comments from Perry and Meg.
How would You solve an incipient Bankruptcy like California is facing?
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