House Bill Expected On FDA Control Of Tobacco
The new bill would create More FDA, a whole NEW BRANCH of FDA, to regulate tobacco.
It's being sold as a measure to keep kids from smoking, which on the surface looks great, BUT:
We Already Have a Federal Agency specifically tasked with tobacco related issues. It's called ATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Chantix from Pfizer was FDA allowed onto the market to save lives from tobacco induced cancer. See Pharmalot from Oct. '08.
"The drug accounted for more reported serious injuries than any other prescription drug for a second quarter, a total of 1001 new cases, including 50 additional deaths. Earlier this year, the FDA warned that Chantix may be linked to psychiatric problems, including suicidal behavior and vivid dreams, and the government banned it for pilots."We ran People are just DYING To Quit Smoking last August.
And again we recommend that you make this Non Smoker at cleanairquality.blogspot.com a regular stop. He's already done the heavy lifting to uncover the Real Cost to You of Govt/Industry colluding smoking regulation, expressly to profit RWJF.
The NYT speaks of a 61 cent increase in cigarette taxes signed by President Obama on Feb 4, to provide another $33 Billion Dollars for SCHIP. And, as we've already noted:
U.S. NEWS from Feb 2009 has:
New SCHIP Law Gives Kids Mental Health Coverage
4 Million MORE Children will be Added to the 6 Million Already covered, ...... as disposable, Drug Co Guinea Pigs, ...... thanks to President Obama. Your Money - State And Federal - Will be peddling More PSYCH DRUGS, ..... To Children.
What makes this further expansion of an already malfunctioning FDA even More obnoxious, is that the New Branch will be funded BY the very Tobacco Money it will be empowered to regulate. You have to ask yourself why Philip Morris is in favor of this bill, ..... when Philip Morris will be Funding the very people who will be regulating them?
We're Already being Poisoned to Death as a society by allowing FDA to accept Hundreds of $ Millions a year in "User Fees" from the makers of Behavioral Non-$cience/Behavioral Control" Psych Drugs.
And if You want to quit smoking we recommend you go check out this gentleman at QuickHypnosis.com. There are far better options than drugs.
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