Grassley Would Add Hospital Scrutiny To Stimulus Bill
Multi Billion Dollar Hospitals and Hospital Chains were granted Huge Tax exemptions Decades ago on the understanding that those TAX exemptions would enable them to provide Charity Care for folks who were uninsured or underinsured.
WSJ's 1st link Eying Non Profit Hospitals brings us Lisa Kelly in Houston: who was presented with a demand for $105,000 UP FRONT to get into M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, ...... before, ...... they would begin her chemo therapy.
And that $105,000 UP FRONT was Despite the $37,000 of Health Insurance from AARP Ms Kelly was Already covered by. Senator Grassley had some thoughts to share on That one.
The Non Profit Hospital reality is $Million Dollar salaries for CEOs who Couldn't give a fiddler's fig for Anything but their Bottom Line, ..... while Cutting charity care, ..... and having Psychiatry Profitably cut people's health, and lives, to shreds.“The troubling thing about her story is that these were the actions taken by a hospital that’s funded through taxpayers’ dollars and charitable gifts.”
“As we talk about the tax incentives for health insurance, I want us to also consider the billions of dollars of tax benefits conferred to nonprofit hospitals.”
Ohio Health Policy Review has:
Health Care Spending
Where: on January 16, 2009
Advocacy groups decry rising costs of health care
Recent reports by several advocacy groups illustrate the trouble many are facing given the current economic climate, combined with continued increases in health care costs.
A Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio study found that Franklin County families making between 200 percent and 300 percent of the federal poverty level (between $42,400 and $63,600 for a family of four) did not have enough money left over after paying basic living expenses to afford health care or insurance costs (Source: “Even middle class strapped by health-care costs, advocacy group says,” Columbus Dispatch, Jan. 14, 2009).
Those without a job are in even more trouble, according to a national study by Families USA that includes Ohio-specific data (Source: “Health costs rising with unemployment,” Columbus Dispatch, Jan. 15, 2008). That study found that COBRA premiums would use up most of an average Ohio unemployment check. The average monthly cost for COBRA in Ohio is $1,030, yet the average monthly unemployment check is $1,327.
And here in 2004, at:
Access To Children's Mental Health Services Under Medicaid And SCHIP we find: 1 in 10 kids needing to be 'Mental Healthed'.
U.S. NEWS from Feb 2009 has:
New SCHIP Law Gives Kids Mental Health Coverage
4 Million MORE Children will be Added to the 6 Million Already covered, ...... as disposable, Drug Co Guinea Pigs, ...... thanks to President Obama. Your Money - State And Federal - Will be peddling More PSYCH DRUGS, ..... To Children.
Thank GOD we voted for, ...... CHANGE.
Back At The WSJ:
Senator Grassley leans towards Tax Code Change to be tacked onto the enormous Economic Stimulus Package now groaning its way through Congress.

Tax Exemptions?
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