A Hero Protects America's Children From Psychiatric Abuse, by Dr Peter Breggin
"Alaska attorney Jim Gottstein has taken the bull by the horns. It's a bull of many terrifying shapes and forms. First and foremost, it is the raging bull of the Psychopharmaceutical Complex that is goring America's children. It's also the rampaging state government bull that everywhere runs roughshod over the children in its custody and care. And then it's the "bull" handed out by drug companies and organized psychiatry to justify using drugs to suppress the behavior of children.Jim Gottstein's Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights.org) has gone to court to stop the drugging of Alaska's children. Before they are given psychiatric drugs, Jim wants the following standards to be met:
(1) That proven psychosocial interventions have been exhausted.
(2) That the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.
(3) That those authorizing the prescriptions are fully informed about the risks and benefits, and the alternatives.
(4) That the children are thoroughly monitored, including for side effects.
There is nothing radical or in your face about Jim's attempt to require the state of Alaska to use science and common sense before drugging the children in its care, usually for the mere convenience of their keepers. A sane society would bar the state from giving psychiatric drugs to any children under any circumstances. Their brains are growing--and should not be made to develop in a toxic internal environment. Instead of psychiatric drugs, they need what all children need--more and better attention from caring adults, improved family life, and better schooling. And they need protection from people who would give them drugs!"
There's more. Read the whole article.

Then contrast it with This Ad. (Thanks again to The Bonkers Institute.)
What Else does a Psychiatrist Do, ....... beyond Selling you their Opinion, ...... in order to Sell You, and Addict You, ...... And your Children, ...... to a Lifetime of Brain Damaging Drugs?
Click it and read the text. This one deserves an Oscar for pegging the Chutzpah meter.
And if You Still don't understand that Psych Drugs And their Pushers are the CAUSE of 'Mental Illness' read:
Anatomy Of An Epidemic: Psychiatric Drugs And The Astonishing Rise Of Mental Illness In America, by Robert Whitaker
Then get out your checkbook and help Mr. Gottstein if you can. He's doing the work All America should be doing, and sadly almost All of America doesn't even know Needs doing. And, Dr Bonkers does a lot of work, some of it in Court too, for kids. Neither of these guys Has to do it. They do it because Someone has to do it. Visit Dr B's Certification page and maybe pickup a bookmark or Certificate of Certification to help out.
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