The Bonkers Institute has:

Average rate of gray matter loss: evidence of neuroleptic drug-induced brain damage.
The more drugs you've been given, the more brain tissue you lose. What exactly do these drugs do? They block basal ganglia activity. The prefrontal cortex doesn't get the input it needs and is being shut down by drugs. That reduces the psychotic symptoms. It also causes the prefrontal cortex to slowly atrophy.
~ Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen, New York Times, Sept. 16, 2008
Both the older and the atypical neuroleptics shrink brain tissue during routine clinical exposure.
~ Dr. Peter R. Breggin, Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry (2008)
From: Allen Jones Full Whistleblower Report
Directly below their names follows Mr. Jones brief summation.
TMAP: The Players
Charles Currie SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
"Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency - SAMHSA: Charles Currie, a key official in Pennsylvania when TMAP was adapted there, heads the national Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency. In Pennsylvania Currie endorsed the TMAP agenda and permitted employees to solicit “educational grants” from drug companies who had a vital interest in TMAP. Currie has lauded TMAP in SAMHSA speeches and SAMHSA documents. He had a $500,000 budget in FY 2002-2003 for the express purpose of expanding TMAP.2005: SAMHSA Backs away From Teen Screen & TMAP
2005: Has Charles Currie dropping a corrupt mental illness program, which links to:
2005: Government Accountability Project: which covers Whistle Blower Related Issues
2006: AHRP: Debate At The National Acadamies Of Science
"The Oct. 17 meeting was held a few weeks after SAMHSA awarded $92.5 million over five years to seven states. The money will be used to restructure state mental health programs. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration published a Mental Health Action Agenda that laid out possible means toward that end. The Action Agenda, in turn, is influenced by the recommendations of President Bush's New Freedom Commission, ..... "
Steve Shon
2001, e-Texas Recommendations
"The newer medications used in TMAP cost more than older drugs but have *fewer negative side effects. A preliminary MHMR evaluation of TMAP demonstrated improvements in patients’ conditions. TMAP has been nationally recognized, and has received a grant for more than $300,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the education of other states’ mental health agencies.MHMR will report on TMAP’s clinical outcomes by the end of 2000, and it will report on its cost outcomes in Spring 2001. This study is one of the most extensive of its kind with more than 1,400 participants. Dr. Steve Shon, MHMR’s medical director, believes TMAP could be used to treat mentally ill offenders upon release and reduce their recidivism rate. Correctional systems in other states, including California, Ohio, and Missouri, recognize TMAP’s value and are working toward constructing similar systems.
* (the newer atypicals do not, after all, have fewer negative side effects, and Claiming that Risperdal (1,935 Adverse Side Effects) has, now has J&J over a possible $1 Billion dollar barrel in Texas (backstory) alone)
2003: U Texas Austin Pharmacy Prof's Efforts Presented To Pres. Bush
"The program was directed by Dr. Lynn Crismon, a faculty member in the university's Center for Pharmacoeconomic Studies, Dr. John Rush, professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and Dr. Steve Shon, medical director of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation."Asian And Pacific Islander Americans, Cultural Competence Panel Members
SAMSHA Cultural Competence
2004: Hogg Foundation 2004
Michael F Hogan PhD
"Hogan is the president of the NASMHPD Research Institute, an entity heavily supported by Janssen and other pharmaceutical company grants. Hogan was the Mental Health Program Director in Ohio when TMAP was implemented there.2004: Ohio Dept Mental Health Kids News: Building Ohio's Future
Hogan participated on a Janssen advisory Board along with Steven Karp, the Pennsylvania Director who implemented TMAP. He serves with Steve Shon in NASMHPD."
2006: Michael F Hogan Bio
Teen Screen Truth Key Players
Universal Mental Health Screening for Everyone
Mr Hogan was then singled out for Another State with 'Incurably Mentally Ill' kids, ...... to get Them the 'Mental Health' They need."What is Hogan’s personal stance on mental health screening? He would have preferred universal mental health screenings for the population, but he has stated that "science and public opinion" have not advanced to the point where universal mental health screening is acceptable. Hogan has expressed his frustration that implementations of the NFC recommendations have not proceeded faster. He "conceded that 'we in the field' would have an easier time convincing the public of the need for at least broader, if not universal, screening if the CMHS (Center for Mental Health Services) had published the NFC Action Plan that has been delayed." CMHS is the federal agency within the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that is charged with the efforts to implement the recommendations of the NFC.
The following indicates what has happened in Ohio under Hogan’s watch and what might happen in other states if Hogan, Laurie Flynn, NAMI and the drug companies achieve their aims.
Drugging Babies in Ohio—$65.5 million for kids' mental health drugs
In a Columbus Dispatch article dated April 25, 2005, the headlines read, “EVEN BABIES GETTING TREATED AS MENTALLY ILL; Prescriptions on the rise even though they haven't been tested on children”.
The Dispatch reported, “Nearly 40,000 Ohio children on Medicaid were taking drugs for anxiety, depression, delusions, hyperactivity and violent behavior as of July [2004]. For the entire year, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services paid out about $65.5 million for kids' mental-health drugs.” They also reported that 696 Ohio children, ages newborn to 3 years old, received sedatives and powerful, mood-altering, mental-health drugs through Medicaid in July of 2004."
2007: New York State Office of Mental Health
"Albany, NY (March 15, 2007)The New York State Senate unanimously confirmed Michael F. Hogan, PhD, as Commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) on Wednesday, March 14, 2007. The Senate also confirmed Diana Jones Ritter as Commissioner of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, and David J. Swarts as Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
Prior to joining OMH earlier this year, Dr. Hogan served as Director of the Ohio Department of Mental Health, a position he held since March 1991. He previously was director of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health from 1987-1991.
Dr. Hogan chaired the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in 2002-2003. He also served from 1994-1998 on the National Advisory Mental Health Council, and as President of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors from 2003-2005. He has co-authored a book and several national reports, and written over 50 journal articles or book chapters.
In 2002, Dr. Hogan received the Distinguished Service to State Government Award from the National Governors’ Association and the Distinguished Service Award from The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. In 2006, he was received a Special Leadership Award at the first national meeting of the Campaign for Mental Health Reform, and the SPAN USA Allies for Action Award from the Suicide Prevention Action Network.
A graduate of Cornell University, Dr. Hogan has also received an M.S. from the State University College at Brockport, and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University."
2009: Conditions At King's County Hospital Are Highly Dangerous
Stephen Mayberg
"Mayberg was the California State Mental Health Program Director when California implemented TMAP. Mayberg is a past president of NAMHPD and the NASMHPD research institute.2001: Is Napa State Hospital Safe?
Mayberg participated on a Janssen advisory Board along with Michael Hogan and Steven Karp. He serves with Steve Shon in NASMHPD."
2002: President's New Freedom Commission On Mental Health: Roster

"I don't know if Mr. Mayberg is flat out lying or completely in the dark as to what is going on right under his nose," said Tim Fries, chief legislative advocate for CAUSE Statewide Law Enforcement Association, which represents the state's hospital police officers now under siege from the growing violence at the hospitals. "We've known for years about the drug violations, beatings, rapes, and assaults that go on at all the hospitals, but our officers have been prohibited from fully investigating them. If the public safety crisis at all 12 state hospitals were not such a serious matter, Director Mayberg's response to the federal investigation would be as laughable as the scene in Casablanca when Claude Rains expresses shock to find there is gambling going on in Rick's nightclub as he is pocketing his winnings for the evening."2009: California Dept Of Mental Health Director.
"Stephen W. Mayberg, Ph.D. Director,
California Department of Mental Health"As a longtime advocate for the mental health system, I firmly believe that working together, the state and local government providers and our constituencies can meet the needs of adults with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbances."
– Dr. Stephen W. MaybergDr. Stephen W. Mayberg was appointed Director of the California Department of Mental Health in February 1993. Since his appointment, he has embarked on an ambitious agenda that includes a philosophical and directional shift from a state-based to a county-based system of service delivery, as envisioned by legislation passed in 1991, and a complete reorganization of the California Department of Mental Health to become more "user friendly" and accessible. He has served as a staunch advocate for interagency programming and planning and has worked with advocacy groups and stakeholders to design nationally recognized programs for the homeless as well as culturally competent and appropriate services that reflect the diversity of the state. A staunch believer in transparency and accountability, Dr. Mayberg has made performance outcomes a priority in every aspect of service delivery and provision of care.
Dr. Mayberg received his undergraduate degree from Yale University and received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Minnesota. He completed his internship at the University of California, Davis, and has worked in the California mental health system since that time. Prior to his appointment, he served as the Director of the Yolo County Mental Health Program.
During his public service career, Dr. Mayberg has been responsible for most aspects of care in the mental health services arena, including supervision and administration of crisis service programs, outpatient services and children's services, and program design, implementation and monitoring. As a licensed psychologist, he has continued to provide clinical services throughout his professional career.
Dr. Mayberg is a nationally recognized expert on public mental health systems. He has held offices for many national, state, and local organizations, including serving terms as president for the California Mental Health Directors Association, the California Conference of Local Mental Health Directors and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors. He was appointed to the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in 2002. He has received numerous state and national awards recognizing his achievements."
Rodolfo Arredondo
"Arredondo served on the board of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation during TMAP’s development. He was a member of the TMAP steering committee and is currently working with TMAP to develop algorithms for disorders co-occurring with schizophrenia and depression."President's New Freedom Commission On Mental Health: Roster
NAMI Multicultural Strategic Summit Schedule
Henry Harbin
"Harbin is a past Director of Mental Health Services in Maryland, another state listed in TMAP literature as having adopted TMAP. Harbin is now the CEO of Magellan Health Systems, the world’s largest Managed Care Agency. As early as 2001, Pennsylvania officials met with Magellan to pitch TMAP as a model program. Magellan’s interest in the administrative structure of TMAP is manifest."2002: Testimony Of Dr Henry Harbin M.D
March 13, 2002
2002: Dr. Henry Harbin - New Freedom Initiative CommissionGood Morning, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee. I am Henry Harbin, Chairman of the Board of Magellan Health Services. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today about the importance of mental health parity.
Today I am representing my own company, Magellan Health Services, as well as the American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association (AMBHA). AMBHA is an association of the nation’s leading managed behavioral healthcare companies. AMBHA member companies, of which Magellan is one, are collectively responsible for managing mental health and substance abuse services for over 110 million individuals across the country. Approximately 170 million Americans who have either commercial or public insurance coverage for mental health and substance abuse have this coverage through a managed behavioral healthcare organization (MBHO). Most managed care organizations and employers subcontract with MBHOs to provide the mental health and substance abuse component of their health insurance benefit package. ..... , "
WH: Dr. Henry Troutman Harbin is the Chairman and CEO of Magellan Health Services in Columbia, Maryland...
David, SCI,Magellan owned Charter Behavioral until its [final] liquidation on Oct. 4, 2000. Magellan's principal owner is Richard E. Rainwater, a personal friend of Bush, (who invested his own money in the Charter Hospitals.) To simplify the business relationship referred to in the following articles, Crescent owned the real estate, (buildings and land), and Magellan owned the franchise, i.e. the right to use the name "Charter Behavioral". while Rainwater owned BOTH Magellan and Crescent (and made millions on commissions from selling himself things he ALREADY OWNED.) Draw your own conclusions about Troutman's association with the company.
Three articles and a brief quote follow.
MartinHartford Courant
Thursday, October 15, 1998
Gagging the mouths of patients was standard procedure during restraints at the Charter Greensboro psychiatric hospital.
This ``homegrown'' practice, which was included in no training manual, led to the death last March of 16-year-old Tristan Sovern. He suffocated after being restrained face-down by seven staffers who wrapped a towel and a bed sheet around his head to prevent him from biting or spitting.
"I cannot understand how, when they heard my son screaming that he couldn't breathe and that they were choking him, not one of those people said, `Stop,' '' said Jean Allen, Sovern's adoptive mother. ....... ,
2003: President's New Freedom Commission On Mental Health: Subcommittee Chairs and Reports.
Notice that Many of the Key Players formulating the policy papers in President Bush's New Freedom Commission On Mental Health are Also TMAP players.
2003: National Foundation For Mental Health
Sharfstein, Nemeroff and David Satcher were on board here.
2007: Henry T. Harbin Profile -
Larke Nahme Huang
Huang was involved in the planning and formation of the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA). Steven Shon who is a TMAP Director and major TMAP proponent heads this recently-formed group. Haung currently serves under Shon in NAAPIMHA.In NAAPIMHA, ...... 1, that's right just 1, person's 'Mental Health' is SO important, that it should determine America's Immigration policy.
IMMIGRATION REFORM & MENTAL HEALTHAt the core of the current debate on immigration is the focus on quality of life. From this perspective, immigration is a mental health issue
The vast majority of those who immigrate to this country do so because they want to make a decent life for their children and families, they value having a job and want to be productive members of society.
Having a “merit system” that fails to take into consideration the importance of family is actually short sighted and counterproductive.
Family members play an invaluable role in the overall well being of an individual. Coming to a new country is in and of itself a stressful situation, but research shows that new immigrants actually have fewer mental health problems when given the support of their community which includes the extended family. If they continue to live in a supportive environment and receive quality services when necessary, the immigrant and future generations can become very productive members of society. They enrich the mosaic and add to the diversity that is a strength of this country. ..... ,
President's New Freedom Commission On Mental Health Background Information
This version/page appears to be in Vietnamese. We're not certain.
2008: Many Voices-One Goal - Minnesota Dept. Of Health
"Keynote speakers:Continue reading:Dr. Larke Huang Senior Advisor, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)"
TMAP: Players Part II
The corrupt "FINANCIAL SYSTEM", before ENRON, Mortgage Fraud, Bernie Madoff, etc…; what about the Healthcare Finance Fraud?
“This case is one of the largest corporate fraud investigations involving a privately held company headquartered in small town America,” said ...of the FBI Criminal Investigative Division.
At trial, the government presented evidence that the defendants engaged in a scheme to deceive investors and rating agencies ...between May 1998 and May 2001.
SEC: May 1998 James K Happ was the CFO of the Dallas-based Columbia Homecare Group, Inc. (Richard Rainwater’s). In '98 & '99 NCFE financed this divestiture to Medshares, Inc. in Memphis, TN.
July 1999, Medshares, Inc. filed the LARGEST Bankruptcy case in the history of Western TN's bankruptcy court; ALL of the NCFE financed Columbia Homecare Group, Inc.’s divestiture months earlier. In this court, lawyers cried fraud; the JUDGE forbade the ‘F’ word in her court.
February 21, 2008 - COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A guilty executive told jurors she told investors "absolutely nothing" about National Century's practices of advancing cash to Memphis, Tenn.-based Medshares,...
December 18, 2008 - National Century fraud case produces 1st (AND ONLY) acquittal
Prosecutors' case fell short, juror says
America's Health Care Indenture Golf Course is positively Riddled with these gophers.
We'll have to dig a little deeper into This particular klatch. Thanks for commenting.
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