The real deal are a nest of velvet tongued, cowardly, calculating, dim lit consultation cubicle infesting, Nosferatus.

This post is a repeater. And its going to keep repeating until enough people get it, so that it never HAS to be repeated, again.
If you get DSM hosed as mentally ill, you're hosed, for life. You can never be un-hosed. Psychiatrists, and every other pompous, money grubbing bribe taking green back medi-quack, however, are a cut above You, and the LAW. We had a not so Civil War in the 1860s to settle the issue of whose rights trumped whose, AT LAW. The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution established once and for evermore the doctrine of "Equal Protection Under Law".
It's about GD time that our elected, money grubbing, Pharmaceutical co. campaign contribution accepting public officials, quit hosing the Constitution, and hosing those of us who are supposed to be protected by its protections, got off their lazy, opinion poll of the minute consulting asses, and quit wiping those useless asses with OUR Constitution, and OUR Freedoms. They need to hear, 24/7/365 that THEY work for US, not the other way around.

Mel Gibson got pinched for a DUI. Mel shot his mouth off, and it was a damn stupid thing to say. Mel got pilloried in the Court of public opinion. If Mel had said the wrong thing in front of a Psychiatrist, Mel would have been skunk-sprayed by that useless fool, for life. There would have been NO washing the stink off, ever. Would you rather judge Mel Gibson by his message in that one, DUI moment, or by his message in 'Brave Heart'; the message he spent a year, and How? many Millions, to bring us?
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take, ....Our Freedom!"
According to Pharma's street level pushers - the psychic woodpeckers knocking up people with their Pharma financed DSM bills - mental illness is forever and incurable: its causes a mystery even unto their own omniscient, State appointed (to cash the kickback check) selves. BUT, these very same peckers have a Pharma paid for 'get out of jail/mental illness free' card.
From the Cal State Auditor's web site:
Medical Board of California's Physician Diversion Program:
June 7, 2007: Report # 2006-116
"In order to protect the public, the Medical Board of California
(medical board) administers a diversion program to rehabilitate physicians impaired by substance abuse or by mental health disorders. Outside service providers, such as urine collection monitors and group facilitators, also participate in monitoring and treating participants. Further, several Regional diversion evaluation committees (DECs) determine terms for participating in the program and decide on successful completion of or termination of the program."
Among the Auditors gripes are:
The diversion program obtained only 17 of the 51 reports from participants therapists.
As of July 7 2007 an estimated 400 physicians were purportedly being rehabilitated/cured at any given time, and as of July 27 2007, the program was working so well that the State announced in true 'Bill The Cat' fashion:
"Aaaack, just f--k it, we're canceling this dog and pony show on June 30, 2008, because nobody bothers to show up anyway."

The Cal MBC's diversion program has been around for 27 years. It's a model for the rest of the country's 'diversion programs.'
The entire MBC report [it's huge, and an equally huge gagger] can
be had at:
'California's Above The Law Psychiatrist Trash'
Psychiatrists (California) Disciplined by a State Medical Board
American Journal Of Psychiatry 2001; 158:474-478
James Morrison, MD Theodore Morrison, M.P.H.
"Among 584 disciplined physicians, there were 75 (12.8%) psychiatrists, nearly twice the number of psychiatrists among nondisciplined physicians. Female psychiatrists were underrepresented in the disciplined group. Psychiatrists were significantly more likely than nonpsychiatrist physicians to be disciplined for sexual relationships with patients and about as likely to be charged with negligence or incompetence. The disciplined group included significantly more psychiatrists who claimed child psychiatry as their first or second specialty and significantly fewer psychoanalysts."
"Dehlendorf and Wolfe [JAMA 1998; 279:1883-1888] reported that child specialists were disciplined for sex-related offences to about the same extent as were other psychiatrists, whereas in our study they were nearly three times more at risk. ...
Below excerpted from "ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE" 2006:144:107-115
"Problem Doctors: Is There A System Level Solution?"
Lucian L. Leap, MD and John A. Fromson, MD
"Concerning mental illness, a recent study found a 16% lifetime incidence of major depressive disorders* in the general population. The rate in physicians may be even higher; for example the rate of suicide is 40% higher in male physicians and more than 2-fold higher in female physicians than in the general population.
Estimates of alcohol dependence vary from 8% to 15%, the latter being similar to the 13.5% rate for the adult population. The American Medical Association's estimate for drug dependence is 1% to 2%. The Medical Board of California estimated that 18% of physicians in its state abuse alcohol or other drugs at some point during their career."
*Major Depressive Disorder has 14 separate legally debilitating [$$$$$] flavors in the DSM beginning at 262.20.
Psychiatrists [and general practitioners] can legislatively inflict Risperdal - along with State Police Registration and its attendant debilities, both legal and physical - for anything they damn well choose to yank out of their bribe taking butts, and THIS, presents a big bang matter-antimatter paradox under Sect. 1 of the 14th Amendment, ie: Equal Protection Under Law.
Physicians either are mentally ill under their own BS-DSM criteria and therefore incurable, or they're not, and neither is anyone else. The licenses of at least 18% of California's physicians have to be revoked, or their DSM has to be revoked.
Legal debilitation of the 'forever mentally ill' is predicated upon the possibility of relapse. What guarantees against relapse - as drunks, dope addicts, DSM whatevers and child molesters - can California's Psychroaches offer to stand bond, that the rest of society - with its cigarettes and insomnia - cannot?
Given the above, is it any surprise that the FDA does have at least 1 report of Risperdal and an encounter with its dispenser inducing Tourettes Disorder?
I cannot overstate the devastation attendant upon the legal debilitation accompanying mental 'illness'. No double jeopary is a key component of freedom. You cannot be tried twice for the same crime. But if you've blundered into the offence of having had anything to do with one of these financially conflicted Psychroaches, and are condemned - and you Will be - for money - as mentally 'ill', you will be on trial, every day, for the rest of your life.
You could just blow it off and get on with life, get married, stay married for 20 years, and have a blow up with your partner one day. One phone call from anyone is all it takes, and you can be slammed into cuffs and a psych ward as having a 'relapse' for any agenda that anyone has at any moment. It HAS happened, and IS happening, all over the country.
Psychiatry needs product to sell, just like used car salesmen. Psychiatry can't wait to tell you it has NO cures, only a lifetime of Treatments. Psychiatry's product IS mental illness. And Psychiatry sells it, all day, every day.

We'd all damn well better wake up and get rid of this murderous, totalitarian lunacy, because its rearing its metastasizing, tax funded Medusean head again. You don't believe me, do you? Teen Screen's coming, and You need to get going, to Psychdrugdangers.com.
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
James Madison. 4th President. Father of the Constitution.
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