Psychiatry just sighs, and hangs its head after it bites out your throat, and sorrowfully admits it can't cure you. Sorrowfully for You, not Them, because they're too GD Self Important to have a conscience. Psych still pays heavy homage to German Psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, [1832-1920] who gifted human dignity with: "The human soul can no longer exist in the light of our current physiological knowledge." This zircon encrusted lump of iron pyrite is widely regarded as 'The' Father of modern psychology.
God is dead. Nietschze
Nietschze is Dead. God

According to Wiki: "the immensity of his collected writings and the 65 year-long duration of his career makes it difficult to identify a single, coherent mode of thought."
I defy you to identfy ANY, SINGLE, coherent mode of thought in ANY of Psych's mountain of murderous tom-foolery.
By most accounts WWII killed 59 Million people. Guess who the Eugenicist Freddy Kreugers behind the monsters who brought us WWII were. [Check The Bad Sidebar: A Time Track of Eugenics]
Wiki has more: "the American Psychological Association established the "Wilhelm Wundt-William James Award for Exceptional Contributions to Trans-Atlantic Psychology", which recognizes "a significant record of trans-Atlantic research collaboration."
There's not only an APA for psychiatrists, but the psychologists too have their own APA. There's just no end of these meddlesome, tax-sucking, APA'holes.
Psychiatry is repressing its own Pissed Offedness at Itself, because it's a stumble bum, and on some level it knows it.
And no, you killers Never "Could 'a Been A Contender." because you're nothing but punks and tax-payer defrauding, organized criminals.

When psychiatry can't cure you [because theres nothing To cure] it gets embarassed, and like any pampered brat, throws a tantrum. It's toy, You, is broken, and it gets tired of playing with its broken toy. So now, more than ever, Psychiatry gets determined more than ever, to fix, . ... Something.
These tinkering canvas backs need to be cluebatted into understanding that if they Can't achieve successes on a small - read one at a time - scale, They'll be playing hockey with Satan before they Ever achieve successes on a very, very large scale. But Psychiatrists are too well schooled ["I never let school interfere with my education." Mark Twain] for anything so simple to ever sink into their shrivelled, dried, pea wits, because not one in a hundred of them has ever succeded in even changing the brake shoes on their own car.
"If you can't do it, give up." Sigmund Freud
But that's Okay with them. They've got degrees, from other Psychiatrists, that they picked up at college, on loans: i.e. someone else's, money. These degrees tell them that if they can't figure out the brakes, then Start with ripping out the dashboard and rewiring the whole loom, along with an complete rebuild of the engine, and automatic transmission.

For These Wilhelm Wundt idiots, [and their non-existent souls] the only way to fix the annoying problem of their imperfect neighbors, is to fix the whole human species first by throwing their imperfect neighbors in the trash, so those neighbors won't reproduce, and continue to annoy the tinkering idiot's own perfect world.

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