Since this plague of 'Mental Healthers' is being sicked on us at primarily our OWN expense, it might be helpful to know just Who, is authorizing this wholesale plundering of OUR purses, to inflict these minds full of NAZI, proto NAZI, Freudo-Marxist, Frankfurt School social engineering Federal and State Funded poisoners down on all of our necks, including our kids necks.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America is Charlotte Iserbyt's history of the infiltration, destruction and hijacking of our education system by these jackass ideologies. God Bless Charlotte. It's now free, as a pdf. Get it. Read it, and understand just what the hell we're ALL up against.
Until real science steps up to the plate and actually belts a bio-causative [for 'strange thoughts'] home run over the back wall of Fenway Park, each and every one of these Psychiatric prescription pad, 'on the take' salesmen of these finely crafted poisons from the fine and crafty manufacturers of these brain and CNS damaging poisons, is commiting tax fraud if they receive one, single, red, blood stained cent of tax funding.
So in the spirit of focusing a few Million watt floodlights on our elected legislative 'on the take' authorizers of this murderous chicanery we bring you the floodlight folks.
Opensecrets.org have a passion for watching, and ratting out, whose money goes where. They'll be a permanent and proud addition to our 'The Good' links list, under 'Pharmaceutical Money To Politicians, Buying Protection'

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. The truth can stand by itself."
Thomas Jefferson.
And both Ernestine and Thom want you to know that it's long past time we cut off the government money, read OUR own money, supporting these philosophizing, poisoning clod hoppers.
Lawsuits State And Federal VS. Antipsychotic Poisons will also be here to enlighten us because a bunch of State Attorney Generals have also had it up to their eye teeth with these fine and crafty manufacturers of finely crafted poisons defrauding Their State, and crippling and killing Their neighbors. The Arkansas lawsuit is a hum dinger, and a must read.
Bailey Perrin and Bailey LLP [representing Arkansas] have taken the gloves off, and there'll be no 3 minute bells in this title bout for $600 Million. It's just unfortunate that BPB isn't going after J&Js pushers, the Psychiatrists, too. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day. But a Quarter Million phone calls could sure as hell tear it down, yesterday.
HARLOT, Getting Your Drug Approved is from the prestigious British Medical Journal: who alone among medical industry journals at least strive for a fair and balanced peek into the drug co. bought and paid for industry of medicine. I almost filed it under HUMOR, because it really is a knee slapper. Point being, HARLOT was written and targeted to a very specific audience, Doctors themselves, who are immersed in this world of corruption, Snakes, Ladders and Spin, and HARLOT wouldn't be so damn funny if it wasn't so damn true, and that truth so damn well known to its intended audience, Doctors.
In California UCSF offers Fellowships in Clinical Psychology. Students get PAID, [State money is Your money] a 'stipend' of $26,186 in the pre-doctoral year. After they've scribbled out their dissertation they get PAID $38,994 in their post-doc year, to recycle the fried brain leavings of Emil Kraepelin, Wilhelm Wundt, Ziggy Freud, Carl Jung, and all the other stellar dim bulbs of dope pushing, totalitarian nitwitery.
Vee haf vays, you know, of making you see it Our vay.

California's also home to the Wright Institute. I was scanning Psychology dissertation titles and discovered one from a Wright grad that earned its scribbler a Psy D titled: Harry Potter and the World of Internal Objects, an Objects Relation Analysis. Did we, or did we not, pay this guy $65,180 to become an expert on Harry Potter? The mind boggles.
Back in the 1940s when the perversion of Socialist NAZISM was more open about its goals, our grandfathers knew what to do about it.

These days we're funding it, and we Don't, have to.
BTW: Those are P-47 Thunderbolts, Republic P-47 Thunderbolts, not National Socialist P-47 Thunderbolts.
Nobody's asking you to cut loose on a squad of Messerschmidts, just cut off the funding. Ernestine's waiting. Pick up the phone.
"The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively." — Benjamin Franklin
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