This Rogue Tusker's name is Teen Screen.
This pile of Fascist Filth stinks worse than a 20 day D-Con dead rat rotting between the walls. Let's define Fascism, once more. Fascism is Government and Industry, After, Weddings R Us, sending Us the bill. And if billing Us for hundreds of Millions more, [just to start] to screw Our kids for life for the benefit of Government's Brain Death, and just Plain Death, Big Pharma Bride isn't Fascism, well then Toto, we're just plain Not, in Kansas anymore.

The Liberty Coalition brings us 2 PDF files With those jackass entrapping questions used to entrap your child into becoming a brain damaged, or dead, Pharmaceutical victim. They're at the page bottom: DPS-8.pdf, and cds.pdf.
It wasn't all that long ago that questions like these got a "Mind your own GD business. It's a free country." How sad it seems how long it seems since we've all seen that spirit, in the land of the free. It's time we ALL started telling each other that America IS a free country, and make it so again.
Teen Screen has a 'Keep Your Hands Off My Child' form You can place in Your [Not the State's] Child's School folder to tell these Psych Creatures that You are the ONE and ONLY determiner of Your child's needs: Not them. It's in MS Word. Print it and file it with the school. Because if you don't, they'll do an end run right around your back, and poison your child without your consent.
But my Child has ADHD. ADHD is the "prototypical, most successful by far, invented disease."
Look; Every Industry needs a product or service to sell. Psychiatry, with its current, returned from The Night Of The Living Dead, militantly bio-causative model to explain any and every deviation from Psychiatry's arbitrarily, shouting match opinion based, not a shred of scientific evidence to back it up, diagnostic Witch Hunter's manual, the DSM-IV-TR, .... NEEDS, ... A, .... PRODUCT, .... TO, .... SELL. And Psychiatry is adamant, that YOU, the Mentally Ill, can NEVER, be Cured. All Psychiatry can do is TREAT your symptoms, for life.
Psychiatry Has No Cures. No Product to sell there.
Psychiatry's product IS Mental Illness.
With its Huge slice of Your money through Government funding sold as Government compassion, just like this scam to not only poison and abuse Your children, but to make You pay for it too, This NAZI counterintuitive, counterproductive ass backwards thinking results in:
Now; did you find any offer from either site offering to list your list of satisfied clients to help you sell mental illness?
Mental Health is a GD roach motel. Once inside, you can NEVER leave.
Go drop by your local Community Mental Health Center, Regularly, at the same hour on the same day every week, and just see how crowded the lobby is. Most, not all but Most, of them are ghost towns.
There's far too many Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, Social Workers, phone bank manning 'Advocates' for the mentally ill - who are furiously lobbying every Govt. agency and Charitable leftist Foundation who Own a phone of their own - and other assorted Pharma whores, to Ever support themselves in the free market, because most folks -99.98% of them - Don't Want anything to Do with their goofball 'mental illness' horse s--t.
Folks have mortgages, rents, car payments, utility bills, phone bills, garbage bills, insurance bills, and the ever present TAXES, to pay for Community Mental Health Centers, Psychiatric Genetics Research, Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research, Tax funded Universities with TAX funded Psychiatry Professors to train more TAX funded Psychiatrists [selling non existent illnesses and all too existent miseries] to have any money left to go to a Community Mental Health Center, to Get, [mentally] Ill, for life.
But the Moloch of Pharma must be bowed to. Pharma funds elections. Elected politicians write laws. Those laws fund those who buy elections.
Pick up the phone, and write those letters to your US Senators and US Representatives, and tell them in Loud and Unequivocal terms to Cut the GD Funding OFF, All of it. Again, E-mails are a waste of time. E-mails to politicians get flushed, wholesale.
Here's facts, lies, and money surrounding the Mount Rushmore sized Lie of Teen Screen from the folks at the Alliance for Human Resource Protection.
Pharma Spin & Child Suicide Rate.
Almost 50% of Children Screened were diagnosed as mentally ill.
Kids & Psychiatric Drugs: Big Pharma Comes To The Classroom.
Is your child's very life, worth the time to write those letters and make those calls, or not?
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