This poster [on the right] reads: “60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the People's community during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazines of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP.” (about 1938) Thanks, and a tip of the hat to Wikipedia.
If you don’t recognize the guy on the left, we’ll, he’s the punchline of this post.
Since the sick-sweet, dead rat stench of Psychiatry is rooted in the mass murdering moronics of German, Austrian and Swiss Eugenicists, it’s incumbent upon us to make sure that Psychiatrists aren’t allowed to step out in public divorced from their German, Austrian and Swiss Eugenicist heroes: the A’holes who brought us Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen Belsen, Treblinka, Sobibor and a raft of others.
Enter Emil Kraepelin. [1855-1926] This pedophiliac wad of blood soaked jock lint, according to Wiki, is currently enjoying a huge regurgitation in popularity among the ‘mental healthers’.
Kraepelin posited that all non-statistically ‘normal’ thoughts were the result of physical abnormalities in human brains due to ‘bad breeding’. Today, science marches on, and we’ve marched on to Clinically Investigating Bad Breeders, while funding hundreds of Millions in research into the genetics of Schizophrenia.
With Big Pharma knocking down $155 Billion annually, I’m quite certain that the $1.12 Billion Big Pharma slipped sideways – like a stiletto - into medical education in 2006 was just a philanthropic way of saying ‘We care, We want to Help, and Oh, BTW, We have loads of expensive pills to help you stamp out those nasty ‘Non-Normal’ thoughts, that are the result of Bad Breeding, Oops, we meant to say genetics. And while you’re at it, it’s Kraepelin for everyone. We’re buying, because with Kraepelin’s physical, broken brain/bum genes model, we’re also selling, big time.
[Despite the fact – from our last post - that the mighty 40,000 member APA as of 2003 Still hasn’t been able to produce so much as a beer fart in a whirl-wind’s worth of bio-causative evidence to justify any physical tampering with people’s brains or behaviors.]
Thanks to streaks of hydrophobic skunk diarrhea like Kraepelin, his student Psychiatrist Ernst Rudin, and Rudin’s brother in law Dr. Alfred Ploetz, the 3rd Reich slated for sterilization as ‘Bad Breeders’ 16,000 German citizens who were afflicted with hereditary deafness.
"Whoever is not physically or mentally fit must not pass on his defects to his children. The state must take care that only the fit produce children. Conversely, it must be regarded as reprehensible to withhold healthy children from the state." - Ernst Rüdin at a speech to the German Society for Rassenhygiene, quoting Hitler.

Looks like Adolph must be checking out the Tiergartenstrasse 4 Journal tallies on his chemical co. stock dividends: those dividends that every Psychiatrist in Germany except Prof. Ewald of Goettingen so enthusiastically took a hand in inflating.

A number of years before Kraepelin, Rudin and Ploetz a very grumpy, depressed little German who would today have qualified as incurably mentally ill, and needed a lifetime of brain damaging poisonings for his Major Depressive Disorder alone, strode out on stage to oversee some music he had written.
When it was finished, a contralto named Caroline Unger came out to take his elbow and turn him around to face the audience, who were on their feet in an absolute rapture, screaming out their approval and applauding. They cheered themselves hoarse, sat down, and then gave the grumpy depressed composer yet another 4 standing ovations. Countless audiences have registered a similar approval over the intervening years. This grumpy, depressed composer couldn’t hear a whisper of it. He was stone deaf.
Would you rather have Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony: The Ode To Joy, or would you rather have Psychiatry’s canisters of racially hygienic hydrogen cyanide gas, brain and nerve damaging Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel, and all its associated NAZI horses**t, calling itself mental health?
In 1953 the US Govt. adopted the Nuremberg Code, which prohibited using people for medical experiments without their informed consent. The very existence of Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel and a whole host of other psych meds negates the very concept of informed consent, as Who? in the Sweet, Everloving, Jumping Blue-Eyed Jeeezus Aitch Christ? would willingly, knowingly Consent to ingesting any of these dried, nuclear rat pellets, IF, they were Informed, of these dried nuclear rat pellets proven, documented track record of turning their victims into light-switch homicidal maniacs?
Informed consent is the LAW. Psychiatrists break the LAW every time they prescribe these murder producing poisons without asking their victims to Consent to being used as a medical experiment to see if these dried, nuclear rat pellets will turn the victim into a killer, this time.
Rudin died in 1952, which leaves this post with only 1 unanswered question. How in the Hell did this bastard escape a noose at Nuremberg in 1945?
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