Back to This opinion derived, Eugenicist approved ream of Pharmaceutical Co. Bought and Paid for, non-absorbent, toilet paper.
This ream of recycled scrub pine needs to be re-recycled ASAP into 6 packs of Charmin.
This reamer is used to ream absolute and utter ruin into the lives of Psychiatry's victims. According to this POS, YOU are incurably mentally ill, if YOU are a woman. That one's called PMDD: Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder. If the end of Your month bugs you, enough, and you confess to it to a Psychiatrist, you can be Risperdaled, State Police Registered and possibly murdered by that 'on the take' Psychiatrist with and by her Psychiatric antipsychotic poisons, for Being a woman. Or maybe not, and you'll get lucky, and just get Prozac-ed.
When Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac ran out the generics were vacuuming up all that money Eli Lilly knew was theirs. So Eli Lilly's APA invented a brand new mental illness just for Eli Lilly: PMDD. Lilly's subsequent Wonder drug to treat PMDD is Sarafem. It's a green pill, containing fluoxetine hydrochloride. Prozac is a white pill, containing fluoxetine hydrochloride. Lilly makes a pill called Reconcile. Reconcile contains fluoxetine hydrochloride. Reconcile is used to Treat 'Separation Anxiety' in your dog.
The California Society for Addictive Medicine tells us that so many of these Psychiatrist/poison salesmen are suffering from 'addiction and mental disorders', [paragraph 4] that the California Medical Board's Diversion/Rehab. program is readying Itself to commit suicide under the strain.
The California Society For Addictive Medicine also offers a sample letter for drunk and doper Docs to beg for exoneration and absolution, because addiction is a medical condition, not a crime. Well now ain't that just special? Especially because every last Doktor, can screw the everlasting lifelong daylights out of any of your patient's lives with ONE, GD prescription for Risperdal, Because, .... . Your useless GD Mein Kampf DSM-IV-TR qualifies a state of Intoxication, NOT Addiction, but Intoxication, as a lifelong, legally debilitating offense meriting a hosing with Poisons which turn People into cripples, carrion, and killers.
Way to go, Psychroaches, you're absolute paragons of integrity, and We're certain that all those good men and women of All races, creeds and colors who've laid down their very lives to defend the dream of our Founding Fathers will rest easier in their graves, knowing that You're on the job, and On The Take, honoring Their sacrifice.
The California Medical Board Physician Diversion Program writes us this suicide note over its own 'Severely Mentally Ill' and "We just Can't Go On Anymore" Major Depressive Disorder:
DSM-IV-TR code 296.4: Major Depressive Disorder With Psychotic Features.
State-Wide epidemics of the following mental illnesses among California's Psychiatrists have also been observed, and are being tracked, in case anyone like Cal State AG Jerry Brown should decide that swift, emergency life saving/life wrecking measures are needed, and those poor mentally ill [and now additionally at their wits end over losing their Diversion Program] Psychiatrists have to be forcibly drugged for their own good, with their own GD Risperdal:
California's Psychiatrists are Apparently too ashamed to fess up to even their own big brother, protective 'You're Above the Law' State Diversion/Rehab. Program which was birthed specifically TO place them Above The Law.
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 301.82: Avoident Personality Disorder
If these Ideates think they're going to run this 'We're unaccountable as being DSM-IV-TR mentally ill but You're not' and They aren't even going to make even any pretense of giving enough of a HOOT to Try to sweep it under the rug anymore, and then all go for a stroll in their 'Emperor's New Clothes' and Not get Called on it, ... , Who, ... is out of their mind, ... on That one?
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 297.3: Shared [among Psychiatrists] Psychotic Disorder.
Here, the California Medical Association California Psychiatric Association Etc. Etc. Etc. 0ffers us its Mea Culpea for being the drunks, drug addicts, DSM whatevers and child molesters we've always known they were, and after 27 years of putting on a brave face are Also admitting that they too aren't one bit interested in playing by Their own DSM rules, those that THE REST of SOCIETY have to suffer under.
The Western Journal Of Medicine brings us Physician/Drunks and their enforced enrollment in Alcoholics Anonymous, [under threat of license revocation] As Drunks.
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 305.0: Alcohol Abuse
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 291.8: Alcohol Withdrawal
That WJM article is from 18 years ago, and Docs have done as they damn well please in those intervening 18 years, and today, those 18 years of self indulgent crap have resulted in the MBC Diversion fiasco calling it quits.
Anderson & Anderson Anger Management tells us how they'll gladly, for a fee, cure your useless lump of Psychiatrist who is incurably DSM mentally ill with:
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 313.81: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
by exhibiting the All too common: throwing of charts, on masonite clipboards, at nurses, patients and others: screaming at those same people, and suffering psychotic meltdowns that have them believing they're Mike Tyson in a title bout, with those same nurses, co-workers, and patients.
Anderson & Anderson is nationwide. The 'mental illnesses' among Physicians Anderson & Anderson specialize in are not restricted to California. Here's an Anderson nugget.
"We do not provide psychological testing nor is our intervention considered counseling or psychotherapy."
Oh Really? Well it sure as Hell is under DSM-IV-TR diagnostic, skunk sprayed for life, Risperdal poisonable, State Police Registered, BS Psychiatrist monkey shines.
God Forbid that any of California's Psychiatrists should be placed within a country mile of being psychotherapeutically counseled, and identified as being the mentally ill patient of any of their Psychiatrist fellows. Who would be left [if their licenses were revoked, or they were indicted for practicing medicine while in a state of incurable mental illness] to assure that J&Js market share of $4.2 Billion in Risperdal sales last year alone, didn't stumble, and stub its little toe?
Do We really have to repost that picture of the little marble child cemetery angel for you, ... , you Psych, ... , whatever you ares?
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