The border is secure.
Via CNS News:
During a six-year stretch of the Obama presidency, people illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border cut 9,287 holes in the “pedestrian” fencing that currently covers only 354 miles of the 1,954-mile border, according to a report published by the Government Accountability Office.
Only 654 miles of the 1,954-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border currently have any type of fencing, according to GAO. The other 1,300 miles of border have no fencing.
Of the 654 miles of fencing, 354 miles consists of what the Department of Homeland Security calls “pedestrian” fencing. The other 300 miles is “vehicle” fencing.
“Border fencing types,” explains GAO, “include pedestrian fencing, which is primarily intended to slow down and deter pedestrians from crossing the border, and vehicle fencing, which is intended to resist vehicles engaged in drug trafficking and alien smuggling operations and is typically used in rural or isolated locations that have a low occurrence of illegal pedestrian traffic.”
The report notes that the 300 miles in “vehicle” fencing on the border is not designed to stop smugglers and other illegal crossers from entering the U.S. on foot.
“Although Tucson sector officials stated vehicle fencing has been effective in slowing and prohibiting drive throughs,” says the GAO report, “vehicle fencing is not designed to slow or deter illegal entrants from entering or smuggling contraband into the United States on foot.”
37 miles of the 354 miles of “pedestrian” border fencing is backed up by a layer of secondary fencing, according to GAO. Another 14 miles of that is backed up by tertiary fencing.
The GAO report noted that it is common for “illegal entrants” to cut holes in the existing border fences so they can enter the United States.[…]
The original version of this GAO’s report on border fencing was presented to the members of Congress who had requested it on Dec. 22, 2016. But the Department of Homeland Security objected to releasing that version to the public.
“DHS deemed some of the information in the prior report as For Official Use Only—Law Enforcement Sensitive, which must be protected from public disclosure,” GAO said in the redacted version of the report that was released publicly on February 16. “Therefore, this report omits sensitive information on sustainment of TI [tactical infrastructure] and our analysis of Border Patrol data on fencing and enforcement activities.”
Keep reading…
Thank You CNS and Dapandico.
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