Remember where Behavioral Scientism originated.
And the success they've had hustling the unsuspecting off into 12-step programs after fleecing them into the ideation that they have a Mind Disease.
fierce healthcare
Violence prevention helps population health and bottom lines
January 20, 2016 | By Zack Budryk
Violence is an increasing concern for hospital leaders,particularly those in at-risk communities. Now, many of them recruit talent who can help them treat violence and its causes beyond the facilities' walls, according to Kaiser Health News.
One model program was created nearly 20 years ago by the University of Maryland Medical Center, KHN reported. The healthcare organization retains a violence intervention specialist who works with patients treated for violent injuries to determine what aspects of their lives put them in the path of such violence, and what interventions might reduce the risk. Although not all the factors directly correlate with risk level, they may help determine what programs or interventions could best suit the patients, according to the article.
Thirty providers nationwide have adopted similar initiatives, KHN reported. For example, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and New York's University of Rochester Medical Center follow up with patients after discharge and put them in touch with available social and medical support, such as continued education or drug rehabilitation programs, the article noted.
These programs operate on the idea that such interventions are a long-term investment in creating a healthy community, which improves both the patient population's health and the provider's bottom line, according to the article.
"There's been a ground swell of professionals understanding that [violence] is a public health issue," Rochelle Dicker, M.D., a trauma surgeon who directs the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center's violence intervention initiative, told KHN.
ED; So UCSF has a Violence Intervention Initiative, after having a self proclaimed Illuminati - as the Head of their Psychiatry Dept - make 2 hospitals and staffs where patients are battered with drugs the FDA knows cause Violence, including Murder, simply not exist.
Physician, heel thyself. (and yes the spelling is intentional.)
To learn more:
- read the article
- read the article
Related Articles:
Hospital violence: Providers respond as incidents spike [Special Report]
Hospital aims to reduce gun violence by treating it like drug abuse
Hospitals work to address community needs in compliance with ACA
Intervention programs help violence victims after hospital discharge
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What healthcare providers can do to prevent violence
Beth Israel Deaconess lowers readmissions with post-discharge program
Follow up with patients after discharge
To reduce readmissions, focus on patient, not condition
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Nurses under-report violence, saying it's a "waste of time"
States seek solutions to hospital violence
Hospital violence: Providers respond as incidents spike [Special Report]
Hospital aims to reduce gun violence by treating it like drug abuse
Hospitals work to address community needs in compliance with ACA
Intervention programs help violence victims after hospital discharge
North Carolina law to make hospital violence a felony may have unintended consequences
What healthcare providers can do to prevent violence
Beth Israel Deaconess lowers readmissions with post-discharge program
Follow up with patients after discharge
To reduce readmissions, focus on patient, not condition
Hospitals combat violence against workers
Nurses under-report violence, saying it's a "waste of time"
States seek solutions to hospital violence
Thank You Mr Budryk and FH.
Violence Intervention Initiative.
From Natural News

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: doctors, guns, statistics
(NaturalNews) Everyone agrees the Sandy Hook shooting was a tragedy. Lots of people subsequently exploited the deaths of those children to push a political agenda of disarming Americans by claiming "guns kill people."
But compared to what? Swimming pools kill people. Horseback riding kills people. And yes, even childbirth kills people. (Does that mean we should criminalize getting pregnant?)
To make any sense of death statistics, we have to ask, "Compared to what?" Because if we compare deaths by firearms to other causes of death, the picture is very, very different from the doomsday fear mongering scenarios CNN and other gun control pushers have whipped up into a nationwide frenzy. In fact, as the following infographic shows, doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined.
Your doctor is FAR more likely to kill you than an armed criminal
It's true: You are 64 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than by someone else wielding a gun. That's because 19,766 of the total 31,940 gun deaths in the USA (in the year 2011) were suicides. So the actual number of deaths from other people shooting you is only 12,174.
Doctors, comparatively, kill 783,936 people each year, which is 64 times higher than 12,174. Doctors shoot you not with bullets, but with vaccines, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals... all of which turn out to be FAR more deadly than guns.
This is especially amazing, given that there are just under 700,000 doctors in America, while there are roughly about 80 million gun owners in America.
How do 700,000 doctors manage to kill 783,936 people each year (that's over one death per doctor), while 80 million gun owners kill only 31,940? Because owning a gun is orders of magnitude safer than "practicing" medicine!
Check out the following infographic, which can also be viewed in a higher resolution at:

As the infographic explains, you are over three times more likely to be killed by a drug side effect than a firearm.
On the firearms side of things, you are almost twice as likely to be killed by YOURSELF than by someone else using a gun. But even this number can't be blamed on guns themselves, because if people really want to commit suicide, they will find other ways to accomplish it (such as jumping off buildings or bridges).
Doctors, comparatively, kill 783,936 people each year, which is 64 times higher than 12,174. Doctors shoot you not with bullets, but with vaccines, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals... all of which turn out to be FAR more deadly than guns.
This is especially amazing, given that there are just under 700,000 doctors in America, while there are roughly about 80 million gun owners in America.
How do 700,000 doctors manage to kill 783,936 people each year (that's over one death per doctor), while 80 million gun owners kill only 31,940? Because owning a gun is orders of magnitude safer than "practicing" medicine!
Check out the following infographic, which can also be viewed in a higher resolution at:

As the infographic explains, you are over three times more likely to be killed by a drug side effect than a firearm.
On the firearms side of things, you are almost twice as likely to be killed by YOURSELF than by someone else using a gun. But even this number can't be blamed on guns themselves, because if people really want to commit suicide, they will find other ways to accomplish it (such as jumping off buildings or bridges).
Where is the call for "doctor control?"
Despite the statistical fact that you are overall 24.5 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a gun -- and it's actually far worse if you spend more time around doctors than you do gang members -- there is absolutely no call in the media for "doctor control."
There's zero talk about making medications safer, or reducing the number of people who are medicated every day in America.
There's no mention of the astonishing fact that surgical procedures do not need to be proven safe and effective before being tried on patients. Surgery in America is, in effect, a grand experiment often conducted with little or no scientific support.
There's no discussion of the fact that psychiatric drugs promote violent shootings as we've seen over and over again across America.
Nope, the entire focus is on how BAD guns are, while the government simultaneously promotes how GOOD vaccines are! ...and chemotherapy, surgery, pharmaceuticals and everything else that's killing us en masse.
There's zero talk about making medications safer, or reducing the number of people who are medicated every day in America.
There's no mention of the astonishing fact that surgical procedures do not need to be proven safe and effective before being tried on patients. Surgery in America is, in effect, a grand experiment often conducted with little or no scientific support.
There's no discussion of the fact that psychiatric drugs promote violent shootings as we've seen over and over again across America.
Nope, the entire focus is on how BAD guns are, while the government simultaneously promotes how GOOD vaccines are! ...and chemotherapy, surgery, pharmaceuticals and everything else that's killing us en masse.
Every U.S. hospital is another Sandy Hook
Hundreds of people are killed every single day across U.S. hospitals from pharmaceutical side effects alone. On top of that, hospitals are killing people with superbug infections, fouled up surgeries, and failed heart stents, among other deadly problems.
Sandy Hook was the tragedy the government wanted you to see. But they didn't want you to pay attention to all the deaths happening elsewhere -- in far greater numbers -- such as at hospitals and via pharmacies.
Because all those deaths overseen by doctors and pharmacists are making billions of dollars for the corrupt, criminally-run pharmaceutical industry and the for-profit, corporate-driven health care complex.
While Sandy Hook was mass murder, the U.S. health care system is practically a holocaust. In fact, the U.S. health care system has killed more people than Adolf Hitler -- by far!
Spread the word: If we want to save lives, the most important place to start is at the doctors and drug companies. They are dealers of death who have been granted obscene monopolies by the FDA and state medical boards. Until their stranglehold on U.S. health care is finally broken, millions more innocent Americans will die at the hands of doctors, surgeons and pharmacists.
Thank You Mr Adams and Natural News.
Sandy Hook was the tragedy the government wanted you to see. But they didn't want you to pay attention to all the deaths happening elsewhere -- in far greater numbers -- such as at hospitals and via pharmacies.
Because all those deaths overseen by doctors and pharmacists are making billions of dollars for the corrupt, criminally-run pharmaceutical industry and the for-profit, corporate-driven health care complex.
While Sandy Hook was mass murder, the U.S. health care system is practically a holocaust. In fact, the U.S. health care system has killed more people than Adolf Hitler -- by far!
Spread the word: If we want to save lives, the most important place to start is at the doctors and drug companies. They are dealers of death who have been granted obscene monopolies by the FDA and state medical boards. Until their stranglehold on U.S. health care is finally broken, millions more innocent Americans will die at the hands of doctors, surgeons and pharmacists.
Thank You Mr Adams and Natural News.
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