Our Toxic Products
We all want what's best for our children, and after you read the following, you'll realize that Johnson and Johnson products certainly aren't good for our precious babies...
Disclaimer: Johnson and Johnson claims that all carcinogenic, and other contaminants, as well as recently reclassified ingredients, in their products are within safety standards set by the FDA during the 1970's, literally ignoring 40 years of research. The statement to the media that JNJ operates within standards of each country where their products are sold is 'technically' true. However, numerous countries have banned carcinogenic ingredients and contaminants still in products sold in the U.S.
Formaldehyde (banned in China, as well as many other countries...if it's even banned in China, of all toxic places, it's *got* to be bad!)

Now that formaldehyde has been finally been publicly declared a carcinogen in the 12th Report on Carcinogens by the National Toxicology Program, will Johnson and Johnson be required to remove formaldehyde from their products or continue stating that since it isn't banned, and is only a by-product of manufacturing, it's okay for our BABY care products? Probably not. In this Washington Post article by Formaldehyde, styrene among substances deemed carcinogens or likely to cause cancer, John Bucher, associate director of the National Toxicology Program, explains that the listings do not trigger any immediate new restrictions on the substances, but other government agencies may use the information in the future as part of their regulatory decisions, Bucher said. In the meantime, individuals can use the list to make personal choices. But if formaldehyde is not required to be listed on a baby care product label, how can we possibly 'make personal choices' as suggested by Mr. Bucher?
TIME Healthland reports: "It's also an extremely nasty substance that can cause irritation in the eyes and breathing problems in human beings at elevated levels (elevated being more than 0.1 parts per million)." Yet formaldehyde levels in Johnson's baby shampoo was found at 210 parts per million as reported by RSC, Advancing the Chemical Industry.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate with carcinogenic by-product contamination, 1,4-dioxane (banned or limited in most other countries)
Sodium laureth sulfate is a foaming agent used to make products all bubbley. Numerous studies show that it is a dermal irritant, and increases the risk of developing contact dermatitis and eczema. However, that isn't the worst part of this particular chemical. During manufacture, 1,4-dioxane is created as a by-product, a contaminant. Products that are contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, are banned for import in many countries, including China. Johnson and Johnson chose to disregard the safety of the Chinese people by allowing 1,4-dioxane contaminated baby 'care' products to be shipped to China. As a result, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry, in 2009, Johnson & Johnson involved in chemical ingredient litigation.
Testing for 1,4-dioxane started because of a study done by the Environmental Working Group, that tested a number of baby 'care' products, ranging from shampoos and body washes, to lotions and even wipes and found that many were contaminated with 1,4-dioxane. Many countries, such as China and Europe, have banned any products containing measurable amounts of 1,4-dioxane.
In the Integrated Risk Information System: 1,4-dioxane the Environemntal Protection Agency (EPA) listed 1,4-dioxane as a 'probable human carcinogen' in 1988. After reviewing 1,4-dioxane with updated testing methods, the EPA updated that to 'likely human carcinogen' in 2005. It's not a wonder that cleaning and body care products, especially products intended for children, contaminated with 1,4-dioxane are banned in many countries throughout the world. What is strange, is that cleaning and body care products sold in the US are allowed this toxic contaminant, and do not have to include the contamination on the labels of their products.
If that isn't bad enough, that dermal absorbtion and inhalation of the vapors increase the risk of developing cancers, according to Centers for Disease Control: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: 1,4-dioxane, page 139 (the last page of the PDF file in the link), 1,4-dioxane is persisent in the enviornment. Polluting ground water, found in our drinking water and may be in our food supply as fruits, vegetables and livestock consume contaminated water.
Methylisothiazolinone is a potentially toxic ingredient in some Johnson and Johnson baby care products. According to the research I did on the National Library of Medicine web site, it seems that there is a good chance that methylisothiazolinone is a dermal irritant, associated with eczema and a possible neurotoxin. Numerous studies show a connection between exposure to methylisothiazolinone and contact dematitis and then there's this one, "Methylisothiazolinone, a neurotoxic biocide, disrupts the association of SRC family tyrosine kinases with focal adhesion kinase in developing cortical neurons.", which summarizes, "Prolonged exposure to low levels of MIT and related compounds may have damaging consequences to the developing nervous system."
I don't want you to believe me, here's a link to the list: Methylisothiazolinone on the National Library of Medicine
You might want to read the labels of all products you purchase to avoid this chemical.
Methylchloroisothiazolinone has over 70 references in the National Library of medicine database regarding its ability to be an allergen that causes contact dermatitis, causing issues such as eczema - which is horribly uncomfortable and disfiguring.
I don't want you to believe me, here's a link to the list: Methylchloroisothiazolinone on the National Library of Medicine
You might want to avoid this one, too.
Johnson and Johnson includes a class of chemcials called phthalates in their products. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the use of phthalate esters in any products. These chemicals are used to preserve fragrances and to improve product consistency to give them that smooth, creamy texture. However, phthalate esters are used to cause asthma in human lung tissue and lab animals to study asthma treatments for humans. If, as Johnson and Johnson and the chemical manufacturers claim, phthalates are 'safe', how then, can phthalate esters be used to cause asthma in human lung tissue in studies such as this one located at the National Library of Medicine web site, "Ginger suppresses phthalate ester-induced airway remodeling.", which summarizes, "This study suggests that ginger is capable of preventing phthalate ester-associated asthma."
I don't know about you, but I feel that if a chemical causes asthma, it's not exactly 'safe'.
The study that concerns me the most, considering the rise in childhood cancers, is this one, "Environmental endocrine disruptors promote invasion and metastasis of SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells. which summarizes, "In conclusion, DEHP, BPA, and E2 potently promote invasion and metastasis of neuroblastoma cells through overexpression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 as well as downregulation of TIMP-2. ER-dependent pathway and PI3K/Akt pathway are involved, which may become potential therapeutic targets for neuroblastoma treatment."
You cannot find the word 'phthalate' on a label of any product. It is hidden in the broad spectrum of 'Fragrance' and 'Parfum'. A variety of phthalate esters are used to create synthetic fragrance blends and considered 'proprietary' information that does not have to be disclosed to consumers. I have done a ton of research on phthalates and put that into this article, "Phthalates and Your Health.
Should a chemical that is banned in other countries because of the potential risks be included in products intended for children? Parabens Outlawed in Childrens' Products in Denmark, "Denmark's environmental ministry announced on Dec. 20 that it will ban parabens in lotions and other cosmetic products for children under 3. It is the first European country to ban the chemical preservative, which is suspected to be an endocrine disruptor, and is used in a variety of soaps, deodorants and other beauty products."
Mineral oil

Wikipedia: Mineral Oil
Johnson & Johnson has three factions to their company. They manufacture body care products, sell medical diagnostic equipment and sell cancer and other drugs. Their baby care products include 'mineral oil', shown in numerous scientific studies to increase the number, size and growth rate of cancerous skin tumors.
Skin cancer kills 1 person every hour of every day. Skin cancer rates continue to skyrocket even with millions of gallons of sunblock sold and used every year in the US. People are outside less and afraid of the sun. 30 or 40 years ago, when I was a kid, skin cancer was rare. This was a farming country and most people spent entire days outdoors, without sunblock. Televisions weren’t in every home and not many people knew what a video game was, let alone sit indoor all day playing them. Something else has to be causing the explosion in skin cancer rates because as we spend more time indoors, use sunblock to ‘protect’ ourselves from the sun, the skin cancer rates continue to rise, causing an extreme burden on our health care system and taking thousands of lives per year.
Mineral oil is likely one source for the increase in skin cancer rates…
Allan H. Conney, PhD, director of the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research and professor in the school of pharmacy at Rutgers University in Piscataway, N.J., the use of common moisturizers, including Eucerin, Vanicream, Dermabase and Dermovan caused a statistically significant increase in skin cancer in hairless mice. The Food and Drug Administration classifies moisturuizers as 'cosmetics'. The manufacturers are not required to undergo the same safety testing as drugs.
In an experiment to test the effects of caffeine and skin cancer, Dr. Conney subjected hairless mice to UV light twice a week for 20 weeks. This exposure was designed to make them high risk of developing skin tumors over the next several months.
For the next 17 weeks, 100 mg of moisturizer applied to the mice once a day, 5 days a week. Researchers were trying to find a moisturizer that would work as a good carrier for caffeine, but they had to make sure that the moisturizer would not throw off the study by affecting the mice in any way.
The results were shocking. Application of 4 common daily moisturizers resulted in more skin tumors and faster tumor growth:
Eucerin increased tumor growth by 24%
Vanicream increased tumor growth by 58%
Dermabase increased tumor growth by 69%
Johnson and Johnson created a special lotion that did not contain mineral oil, which, according to Dr. Conney, is associated with skin cancer.
The special blend, developed by Johnson & Johnson, without mineral oil, did not have an effect on skin cancer rates and was used to complete the effects of caffeine on skin cancer. The results of the tests were positive, as noted in the article I wrote, Caffeine and Skin Cancer Studies.
So, HOLD ON A SECOND, Johnson and Johnson KNOWS that skin cancer prevalence, tumor growth rate and number of skin tumors is increased with exposure to mineral oil. Uh, gee - then why do they continue to include mineral oil in their baby care products? Joh security? Let's see, if they sell X number of units of mineral oil baby care products they will create X number of skin cancer cases and sell X number of diagnostic equipment and X number of cancer drugs. Hm. Makes sense. Create a market through human suffering.
Please read this article, "Carcinogen in Body Care Products: Mineral Oil, and discover more reasons to avoid mineral oil in body care products. Dermal absorption and inhalation of mineral oil increases the risks of the following conditions:
Pancreatic cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Lung cancer
Melanoma (skin cancer)
Esophagal cancer
Stomach cancer
Kidney cancer
as well as:<
non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
in addition to damage to the central nervous system
After reading all of the available studies regarding mineral oil and cancers, leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and damage to the central nervous system, you may want to change moisturizers to something a little less toxic.
Johnson and Johnson: Consumer 'Care' Products, Medical Diagnostic Products, Pharmaceuticals
Johnson and Johnson has three facets to their company: body 'care' products, medical diagnostic equipment and pharmaceuticals. This represents an extreme conflict of interest when considering they have the power, and obviously the lack of ethics, to cause disease with their products, diagnose the diseases they caused with their body 'care' products with their diagnostics products, and then treat the diseases their body 'care' products caused with their pharmaceutical products. I have a problem with *all* companies that include risky chemicals in consumer goods, however, Johnson and Johnson wins the *AssHole* award of the highest standing by combining harm with the perception of improving health and caring - when all they really care about is their, not your child's, bottom line.
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies fully comply with regulations on ingredients in all countries in which our products are sold. Wherever regulatory authorities have set limits on certain ingredients, our product formulations exceed or meet those requirements. We are committed to maintaining the high standards of quality and safety that have been our hallmark for generations of consumers.
Recalls, Lawsuits, etc
Lawsuit proceeds on Johnson & Johnson's baby shampoo
Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart Sued for Selling Toxic Baby Shampoo
Third Johnson & Johnson Plant Under Investigation
New York Times: Can Johnson & Johnson Get Its Act Together?
In Summary
Johnson and Johnson, and other manufacturers, are selling baby care products laced with known carcinogens, dermal irritants and chemicals used to cause asthma in lab animals and human tissue to study asthma treatments for humans. If I know it, they know it. Now you know it. I hope you'll share this with others to help protect our children from baby 'care' products from manufacturers such as Johnson and Johnson who really don't 'care' about your baby. You can choose to use the safer products, products I would use on my children, in the Sunflower Naturals Online Store. Just click on the 'Baby Care' link for a wide variety of products. Or, you can choose to visit your local natural store for a wide range of products that are far safer for your children than Johnson and Toxin, oops, I mean Johnson and Johnson.
Thank You JohnsonandToxin.com
So, is it any wonder that hospitals defrauding J&J's Risperdal into people don't even exist?
SFMHB 06/13/07
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