
Leave it to the boots on the ground to come up with the solution.
Via Guns:
Marine Cpl. Matthew Long designed an inventive way to offer fellow soldiers immediate treatment for gunshot wounds on the battlefield.
A tweak on the body armor already provided to soldiers in the field, Long created a tear-proof package that rests under flak jackets. The packet contains a blood clotting and pain-killer cocktail that aims to treat shock and provide immediate first aid.
“The whole point of this is immediate first aid,” Long told the U.S. Department of Defense.
Long’s insert would sit behind the Small Arms Protective Insert that rests under most flak jackets. The ceramic body armor is rated to stop small arms rounds; however, the SAPI doesn’t always prevent multiple bullets from penetrating.
In the event a round makes its way through, Long’s packet seeks to buy solders a little more time before medics make it on scene.
Keep reading…
Thank You Corporal Long, Guns Magazine, and Dapandico.
And of course We couldn't read more of this story because our glorious Democrat Nanny State has it blocked.
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And the Democratic Party is still trying to figure out what hit them in this election. They are that disconnected and divorced from the American people.
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