Confirmed: 'Batman' Shooter James Holmes Was On Psychotropic Drugs
Paul Joseph Watson
April 5, 2013
April 5, 2013

James Holmes
Newly released court documents confirm that ‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes was taking the anti-depressant drug Zoloft before he conducted his massacre in an Aurora theater last July, underscoring yet again the prevalent yet underreported connection between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings.
While it was known that prescription medication was seized during the search of Holmes’ property, the precise identity of the drug has remained unknown for nearly 9 months – until now.
During their execution of the search warrant on Holmes’ apartment, police, “found prescription medication for sertraline, a generic version of Zoloft used to treat depression, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder; and Clonazepam, usually prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks,” reports the L.A. Times.
Zoloft is the same psychotropic drug that Columbine killer Eric Harris was taking before his rampage.
Clonazepam, also known under its brand name Klonopin, has been labeled “the world’s deadliest pill,” in that it “dramatically affects the functioning of the brain” and is highly addictive. Long term use of the drug has been linked with “violence and aggression”.
The connection between Zoloft and violent outbursts is well documented. Countless studies identify Zoloft as being responsible for more than 1,000 suicides and hundreds of episodes of mania and aggression.
While this represents yet another example of antidepressant drugs being linked to mass shootings, the mainstream media is loathe to make the connection, preferring instead to blame the Second Amendment in concert with the Obama administration’s gun control agenda.
“How long do we have to wait until there is a thorough investigation into the dangers these drugs pose to society? It’s far easier to blame video games and use the tragedies to target innocent gun owners. Big Pharma and their bought and paid for stooges in government must be stopped,” writes Lew Rockwell.
As CCHR documents, psychiatric drugs have been involved in at least 31 different school shootings and other massacres over the last 25 years.
It has not yet been revealed whether or not Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanza was also on psychotropic drugs, although Louise Tambascio, a family friend of the shooter and his mother, told 60 Minutes, “I know he was on medication and everything….I knew he was on medication, but that’s all I know.”
The recently revealed search warrant for Lanza’s home reveals that books on autism and Asperger syndrome were found. The symptoms of Asperger’s are commonly treated with psychotropic drugs linked with violent outbursts, although no specific mention of any medication Lanza was taking has been made.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Friday, April 5, 2013 at 11:34 am
Tags: pharmaceutical
Thank You Infowars and Mr. Watson
But nobody peddling these drugs knows about this 'side effect' huh?
State Police Registration for being poisoned with Risperdal in California is just one of those unsolved mysteries the 'Mental Health' crackpots need more time and more of everyone else's money to 'Research', Right?
Because they don't know Why their victims need to be State Police Registered, Right? And it's not Their Fault, Right?
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