Stupid question, isn't it, when a ghoul with twice her strength wants to have his way with her.
The people in London have cell phones too. It doesn't work.
Dapandico | May 5, 2018 8:01 pm

Trump cuts to the chase.
Via The Sun:
The President described the situation in London as ‘knives, knives, knives’ as he gave a steely defence of the Second Amendment at the NRA meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Describing an unnamed hospital in the British capital he told the crowd: “A once very prestigious hospital right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds.
“They don’t have guns — they have knives. They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”
He didn’t specify which London hospital he was referring too but it has been speculated that he could be talking about St Bart’s in the east of the city.
Last month an article appeared on the Breitbart website, which Trump is known to be a reader of, quoting a doctor who worked there.
It was based on comments made on Radio 4’s Today programme by Dr Martin Griffiths, lead surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust, making a comparison to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.
He told the Today programme: “Some of my military colleagues have described their practice here as similar to being at Bastion.”
At least 36 people have been fatally stabbed – and 62 overall killed – in London since the beginning of the year.
The capital has seen 12,980 knife crimes committed in the capital during 2017 up 2,452 on the year before.
Keep reading…
Thank You Dapandico, The Sun, and WZ.
When 'Behaviorism' becomes public policy. Govt. Policy.
Medical Journal Spins Facts Relating To Gun Related Injuries During The NRA Annual Meeting.
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