Grace Carr Reporter
4:34 PM 05/14/2018

The U.S. Department of Education is investigating multiple programs and scholarships at Yale University after it received a complaint indicating the school offers an array of initiatives to women only.
Following University of Southern California assistant lecturer Kursat C. Pekgoz’s complaint to the DOE’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in a Feb. 18 letter, the DOE launched an April 26 investigation into the allegations against the prestigious college.
“Yale University violates Title IX by funding/sustaining programs which practice discrimination in their admission/election practices,” Pekgoz wrote in his complaint to the OCR, according to Campus Reform.
Included in the list of programs being investigated are Yale’s “Women Faculty Forum,” the “Working Women’s Network,” the “Yale Women’s Campaign School” and “Yale University Women’s Organization.”
Pekgoz used to consider himself a feminist and even worked on an initiative to help Turkish women become literate; but after spending time in America’s collegiate education system, it is clear women have the advantage, the assistant lecturer told Campus Reform.
Women are outperforming men in school by a large margin, according to The New York Times. Not only are women getting far better grades than their male classmates, but they are also more likely to graduate with a degree than their male peers. Ten women graduate for every eight men who do, the National Center for Education Statistics reported.
TalentWorks, a site specializing in matching applicants to jobs, reported in January women are 48 percent more likely to get hired than men after analyzing over 4,000 job applications. (RELATED: Venus Williams Shuts Down Feminists. Says Women Have More Opportunities Than Ever Before)
Where most colleges used to be male dominated, men made up 44 percent of all college students in the United States in 2017, according to Department of Education data.
Thank You Ms Carr, the DC, and the U.S. Dept of Education
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