Coyote In The Hen House Alert, Pharmaceutical Lobbyist Approved By Obama Administration And Liberal Congress To Overhaul Healthcare
William Corr - a former Executive of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) - has been Obama picked for the number 2 slot at Dept of Health and Human Services.
This CTA Post will link you through to the Wall Street Journal where you'll find:
RWJF, Johnson & Johnson, Glaxo Smith Kline, and Pfizer all snuggled up to SELL DRUGS.
And once again, the Author of Clearing The Air is a NON-SMOKER.
Smoking Bans Wreck Economies: Period. The parties benefiting from Smoking Bans are the Nicotine Replacement Drug Makers/Distributors.
If you've been reading here regularly you already know that: Chantix accounted for more Serious Injuries in the 1st quarter of 2008 (1001) than the Top Ten Best Selling Drugs (837) Combined.
So much for President Obama's second BROKEN promise, to keep his Administration from being run by Lobbyists. His First BROKEN Promise was to Not raise taxes on working Americans.
That promise President Obama destroyed by raising Cigarette taxes to Fund SCHIP.
see health.usnews.com: where:
4 Million MORE Children will be Added to the 6 Million Already covered, ...... as disposable, Drug Co Guinea Pigs, ..... .
Your Money - State And Federal - will be peddling more psych drugs to kids.
The Florida DCF Finally hit the roof after 7 year old Gabriel Myers committed suicide on those Psych Drugs, and Florida is moving in to see What in the Hell is going on. For coverage see:
Psych Data
Also: in Feb we ran:
FDA To Regulate Tobacco? Do'h!
I'm tired of being lied D Bunker.
Really tired.
Hope you are fine.
Ana, this Presidency is going to turn into the Longest 4 years we've Ever been through.
Please hug Nell for us.
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