Red Orbit has:
Doctors Gifts Must Be Disclosed Under New Measure
"Kohl said he was confident the legislation, called the Physician Payment Sunshine Act, would pass in the current Democratic-led Congress."Having to Actually Disclose all that Grease they've been spreading around might leave Pharma themselves Diagnosably 'Clinically Depressed'. And then They would have be subjected to their Own Antidepressing, Antipsychoticing Chemical horrors, with perhaps a side order of Forced ECT (1) 'Treatments'.
The Prescription Project has:
What the Sunshine Act Means.
Downside? 2 More years till it kicks in.
"Where will reports be published?
On a public, searchable website, no later than September 30, 2011."
Here's the text of HR 5605: LINK
In Sept 2007 S. 2029 was a Senate proposal to address the problem.
Being libertarian We're addicted to the adage that America needs JUST 1 MORE LAW:
'No new law may be passed without 1st Revoking 6 existing laws.'
Congress could haply Continue pork-barreling America for another 29 years before that law would even Lipstick their piggie bank. However: given the LETHAL corruption in Academic and Corporate Medicine today - Especially Psychiatry - HR 5605 appears to be desperately needed, and until Constitutionally Mandated Inalienable Rights/Real Free Markets blow that LETHAL Psychiatric Corruption clean Out of medicine, We'll (reluctantly) Endorse this proposed can of Life Saving Tire Patch.
We're reluctant only in that HR 5605 doesn't go far enough. With the Hundreds of Billions in Pharma's cash boxes: $Million Dollar Fines are barely a slap on the wrist.

But then, ..... Rome wasn't built in a day.
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