FDA Is Not Doing Enough To Thwart Conflicts Of Interest In Research, Audit Finds.
Report on the audit by the OIG of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
One Percent Of Clinical Investigators Disclosed A Financial Interest
"Among clinical investigators listed in financial forms, 1 percent disclosed at least one financial interest. This represents 206 of the 29,691 clinical investigators listed in financial interest forms."
It's a lengthy report and there's much more than that eye catching 1%, but, FDA monitoring of Investigators Financial Conflicts, just plain Sucks. (Hint: If these Investigators weren't Allowed to TAKE THE MONEY in the 1st place, ..... )
And in the same Chronicle of Higher Ed post:
Financial Conflicts Of Interest In Academic Medicine
Kaiser Daily Health Report Nov 18 '08 posted:
FDA Scientists Allege Coercion In Medical Device Approval Process, House Panel Investigates.

So far we've bought decades of Research papers and definitive Books on 'Mental Illness' which are definite only in their supposings as to the Origin of such 'Mind Illnesses' and the definites of "Send More Money" because "We Need To Keep Looking".
A lifetime devoted to research, ..... in pursuit of money, ..... at Any cost.
Check out the Behavioral Ethics of Higher Learning some years ago at Princeton, .... before you assume that "It can't happen here," ...... because it IS happening here. 1 in 5,.. 1 in 4,.. 54 Million, ..... whatever:
'Incurably Mentally Ill'. (backstory)
Hey Mr. Bunker-
I love the thing about Princeton. I mean, they got Peter Singer there, isn't that enough?
Pretty campus though. Black squirrels really are neat.
And for what it is worth- tell me anything about music as long as it's not rap. You do have good tastes.
Thanks Susan.
Good Taste:
Princeton and Singer would make the Devil himself puke.
We'll hang with Thom Jefferson Any day: despite the Sally Hemmings furor which, even with extant accounts and the actual physical remains subjected to DNA analysis, will probably Never be resolved to all parties satisfaction. Psych/Pharma is what it is: truncheon, ball and chain, Plantation.
The Founders knew it an impossibility to rid Themselves of slavery, so they set in motion the mechanism/Constitution/Bill Of Rights to abolish it at some future date which they could not see. WWII took 70 Million lives in defeating National Socialism. How many more God Damn times will humanity have to keep re-inventing the wheel?
Rap Music? Well, ..... if other folks like it, ..... It's no skin off our nose.
And: That Nano Wrimo on your sidebar? You're a better writer than Frank was. Have you asked your Agent about Chilton's? In among all those Toyota manuals, they're over Dune for another hit.
Freedom trumps Good Taste, (to say nothing of atrocious puns) and without the Rule Of Law/Constitution, matters of Taste will become moot, ...... for Everyone.
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