ADHD Drugs Can Cause Hallucinations In Some Kids
Here; we find kids with no previous hallucianatory tendencies being 'Mental Healthed' into believing that bugs, worms and snakes were crawling on them. Ms Steenhyusen's article further reports that one 7 year old girl started running very fast and then just fell down: explaining that she had run into a wall: which remained invisible to everyone else. But at least she's now 'Mentally Healthy'.
Web MD has:
ADHD Drugs: Hallucinations Not Uncommon
Here we find a 12 year old boy with cerebral palsy being poisoned with methylphenidate, and 2 hours later believing he was surrounded by roaches. The 'Mental Health' roaches disappeared immediately upon discontinuation of their Diagnosing Ideate's 'Medication'.
LA Times has:
ADHD Drugs Cause Hallucinations In Some Kids In which:
FDA adverse events compiled from reports (almost 8% of kids 4-17 have been 'Diagnosed' Already) revealed 800 cases of psychosis or mania, and symptoms of psychosis surfaced with Every ADHD drug tested.
So if Your kid is 'Incurably Mentally Ill' (at least until the GD Treatment is Out of their system) in any of 4 BILLABLE Flavors:
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 314.00: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Predominantly Inattentive Type
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 314.01: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Combined Type
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 314.01: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Predominately Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 314.9: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder NOS
Not Otherwise Specified (That's right, just yank it out your Billing Code DSM Butt)

Here's more on the CPS Child Stealing Racket from: Emmasmith.org, who ALSO have an Aircraft Carrier size bee in Their Constitutional Bonnet: replete with numerous Court case listings in case Your family has been savaged by them. See Dr Fred Baughman on the Myth Of ADHD, and: adhdfraud.org and ablechild.org. Then bookmark Emmasmith - or better still Screen Capture it - and be Ready to go to the mat with CPS, because You may Need to.
PS: SSRI Update:
Recently there's been news of Former French President Chirac being poodled by his own poodle: which was on Prozac. See the Advertisements from Lilly, Pfizer and Novartis on Their campaign for Your doggie Fed Reserve IOUs at The Bonkers Institute For Nearly Genuine Research.
Awesome piece, didn't know this, but somehow not surprised. Wait a generation when you find out these drugged kids today are passing on huge genetic defects to their offspring 20 years from now.
The previous piece was great too .So many Pharma headquarters here in NJ- so many reps.
Got a question regarding one med from hell for you.... let me know if you have time for it .
susan in NJ
Susan: Thanks, and whazzup?
The Genetic Damage being heritable is a great topic: In light of all the Scare Mongering that went round in the 60s over how LSD and pot were going to produce Damaged or Deformed children, ...... while Pharma and its Doktors cashed in on 10,000 severely deformed children around the globe, by peddling thalidomide.
I was going to tell you I live half way between Princeton and New Brunswick- lots of Big Pharma HQ here notably J and J and Bristol Meyers.....
I had to go to the doc last week to get an antibiotic because I had the flu- and the receptionists and nurses were all complaining that because the sales reps are being sacked around here- laid off.... I guess instead of sacked and no more pharma tschokes, they had to go out and buy ball point pens.... and what not and how horrible it was to the local economy with people loosing their jobs.
i said the pens aren't a big deal, you are supporting Bic, and yes I feel bad about people loosing their jobs, cause this area is really going to take a hit, but honestly- J and J makes a lot of money with diapers and baby lotion, and Squibb use to make a nice vitimin- they just have to re orgnize, and a lot of scientists can get jobs teaching HS Chemistry.
I just thought it was kind of funny to hear the complaining about no more free pens with Zyprexa or Viagra on them in the waiting room, and no more hand lotion and anti baterial wipes by Celexa.
You know when I have to speak at Big Pharma here, I don't even take a cup of coffee...
Hope I am making sense, I am in the mother of all med changes.
We just read your post, and no matter How much you may want to pull the blankets up over your head tomorrow, PLEASE, Act on Suzannes's comment and get your Lithium level checked, Pronto.
We were tempted to quote your last comment piecemeal, but your Whole comment And linked Post are Screaming indictments of Psychiatry/Pharma's awful reality.
As for Pharma reps and $cientists losing their jobs, ..... America owns an Endless supply of Granite boulders and 20 lb Sledge Hammers, ..... the marriage of which Should be invoked to keep Them employed, for decades.
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