
Via College Fix:
Republican politicians and officials should probably decline invitations from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) for the foreseeable future.
Days after students at Bethune-Cookman University booed and heckled Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos*, Texas Southern University withdrew an invitation to Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas to address its graduating students.
According to Fox News, the HBCU said it was disinviting Cornyn because it wanted students to remember their commencement “positively for years to come,” and that couldn’t happen if a white conservative politician was their speaker.
Just 863 people got Cornyn canned when they signed a Change.org petition demanding his disinvitation.
The petition announces its “stark opposition” to Cornyn, a former judge on the Texas Supreme Court, saying that to let him speak would put the student body’s stamp of approval on “policies and views he has advocated and supported, including both discriminatory policies and politicians.”
Thank You Zip and The College Fix.
How is this kind of racist stupid going to make these 'students' less "Marginalized" when they're through at college and have to go get a job?
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