H.R. 1256 has passed the US House.
Nicotine Use is a Behavior. Therefore it IS Germain to a discussion of Psychiatry: especially in view of the APA's Non Science, Lifetime Condemnation of Smokers, and those trying to Quit as Incurably Mentally Ill. Psychiatric Treatment of Both those Human Behaviors can include Suicide and Homicide CAUSING Antidepressant Poisons, and Antipsychotic Poisons which take 25 years off of a person's life. See our label:
Side Effects
Understand this, and understand it with Microscopic Clarity.
YOU, Mr & Mrs J. Q. Public are Not the beneficiaries of this onerous Pile of Special Interest Owned Bio-$cience.
The Multi Billion Dollar Special Interest RWJF - makers of Nicotine Replacement Drugs - Are.
NON-SMOKER Marcus Aurelius at Clearing The Air HAS that Microscopic Clarity All laid out Buffet Style for you. Increased Govt Regulation of the Bio-Behavioral-Sin of smoking has Already cost NYC Hundreds of Millions in LOST/DIMINISHED Revenue, and Increased Violent Crime, over the last 50 years.

Even the Head NAZI, Adolf Hitler, Blitzkreiged his own German Smokers with a personal Behavioral Science Attack of 100,000 Reichmarks.
When Public (National Socialist) Health includes Mental Health the 'Regular English' of it is:
Your Mental Properties (thoughts, opinions, speech, etc) become Govt Owned (Public) Properties.
The 1941 Nazi Anti-Smoking Behavioralists were the SAME, Murdering, Public (National Socialist) Health Social Engineering Quacks, ...... who CAUSED the Holocaust.
They even gave Hermann Goering a hard time for smoking. Bureaucracies eat Everyone, even their own.
Dr. Leonardo Conti
Reich Health Leader, head of the Reich Physicians' Chamber
In 1939, appointed Reichsgesundheitsführer and State Secretary in the Interior Ministry.
1944, promoted to SS-Obergruppenführer (general).
Suicide in his cell at Nuremberg by Hanging.
Fritz Sauckel
General Plenipotentiary for Labour Deployment from 1942 until the end of the war
Of the 5 million workers brought to Germany, around 200,000 came voluntarily.
Tried at Nuremburg and Hanged.
Professor Hans Reiter
President of the Reichsgesundheitsamt (Office of Public Health) of the Third Reich.
As a member of the SS during the Second World War, Hans Reiter designed typhoid inoculation experiments that killed more than 250 prisoners at concentration camps like Buchenwald.
Died 1969, aged 88.
from the above Oxford link Anti-Smoking Nazis.
"Addressing "His Magnificence Prof. Dr Astel", Reiter said that ‘by carrying out your plan, you have cleared a way through the undergrowth of objections put forward by selfish people which will become broader and broader in the future’. Please nurture this project which may save the German Volk hundreds of thousands of valuable workers." *****
***** These very same Behavioral-Science mass murderers were intrinsic parts of the Machine which got 69 Million Killed in WWII, and they had to Kidnap, and in many cases Work them to Death, 500,000 people to Provide the necessary Labor to even make Their Bio-Behavioral-Non-Science War Fly.
Karl Astel
Dean of the University of Jena and headed both the Office for Racial Affairs and the Office for Public Health and Social Affairs of the State of Thuringia.
Described abstinence from smoking as a ‘national-socialist duty’
Committed Suicide ten days before the end of the war.
(the Bio is Google translated from German Wiki)
In his youth was strongly influenced by Karl Astel his father, the safety commissioner and head of the Metropolitan Police Schweinfurt Wilhelm Astel characterized. Already as a youth he came with the Nazi movement in touch. In addition to his medical studies Astel fell as fanatical National Socialist in numerous street fights on. He was since 1919 a member of the Free Corps Epp and 1920 in Oberland federal government, he participated in battles against the Soviet Republic in Munich and took part in the Kapp Putsch in 1923 and Hitler-Ludendorff Putsch participate. He was a member of the National Federation Jung in Schweinfurt in Deutschvölkischen protection and Trutzbund and in the struggle for federal German Culture 1930, he joined the Nazi party a (NSDAP-Nr.: 264 619, SS-Nr.: 132 245).After graduating, he worked in Munich as a sports physician. 1932 he headed the "Erbgesundheitlichen counseling" in the Race and Settlement Main Office of SS (RuSHA). In parallel, he was also director of the Office of Racial Hygiene Reichsführer School of SA in Munich. In July 1933 he was elected President of the Thuringian State Office for racial beings in Weimar. Because of this activity from 1933 to 1945, thousands of forced sterilizations of its responsibility ascribed. Incidentally, he was a judge at Erbgesundheitsgericht in Jena.
The non-habilitated Astel was on 1 June 1934 by Fritz Sauckel to full professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Jena appointed. There, he received a private institution, which first "Institute for Plant Breeding Education and Human Erbforschung" and 1935 was in "the Institute for Human Erbforschung and racial politics" has been renamed. The inaugural lecture was given by the SS officer appointed principal Scharnstein Astel on "racial and dusk by mastering their mind and act as a vital question of the white peoples." In this speech he called the "Edelrassigen all countries" to "the unfortunate lebensunwerte life, during the reign of the Inferior peoples in their accumulated together again" (to) remove (...) for the salvation of all. That's the good news that the National Socialism of the suffering and hope of humanity has to announce. In 1936 he was head of the health and welfare system called Thuringia.
Astel to 1939, Rector of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena appointed at the same time, SS-Ober Sturmbannführer. His areas served consistently and directly to crimes against humanity and to justify. With the support of the SS built Astel the Friedrich-Schiller University, an influential "breeds and lebensgesetzlich" approach to research from NS. It looked and found it again and again the support of Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler's. Er war Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift „Volk und Rasse“ . He was editor of the journal "Public and race."
1940, his deputy in the Thuringia State Council. April 3rd 1945 shot Karl Astel service in his room.
Berthold Kihn, part of the T4 Euthanasia Operation
Chair in Psychiatry, Jena
Medical Expert for Adult Euthanasia
Nazi Public Health
According to the research of Robert N. Proctor for his book The Nazi War on Cancer, Nazi Germany had arguably the most powerful anti-tobacco movement in the world. Anti-tobacco research received a strong backing from the government, and German scientists proved that cigarette smoke could cause cancer. German pioneering research on experimental epidemiology lead to the 1939 paper by Franz H. Müller, and the 1943 paper by Eberhard Schairer and Erich Schöniger which convincingly demonstrated that tobacco smoking was a main culprit in lung cancer. The government urged German doctors to counsel patients against tobacco use.
Nazi Public Health Nazis had:
The Most Powerful Anti Tobacco Movement in The World.
America's FDA will be opening a new Office to Regulate Tobacco.
Phillip Morris likes it. They ought to. Phillip Morris will be Underwriting the Paychecks.
FDA To Regulate Tobacco? D'oh!
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