Feds Join Lawsuit Alleging Natrecor Was Illegally Marketed
Scios & its Parent Co. Johnson and Johnson, who are also the Parent of Janssen/Risperdal, are again accused of Off Label Marketing.
The investigation was conducted by:
1: Civil Division of the U.S. DOJ
2: U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California
3: Federal Bureau of Investigation
4: Offices of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services
5: FDA
6: Department of Veterans Affairs
7: Office of Personnel Management
8: Department of Defense.
Kaisernetwork.org from last July has:
More Than 500 Backlogged Whistle-Blower Cases Allege Health Care, Drug Company Fraud
"Whistle-blower lawsuits alleging that pharmaceutical companies and government contractors defrauded the federal government have created a backlog of more than 900 cases at the Department of Justice, the Washington Post reports. According to the Post, more than 500 of the cases involve the health care and pharmaceutical industries, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.
Patrick Burns, a spokesperson for Taxpayers Against Fraud, said, "Even if no new cases are filed, it might take 10 years for the Department of Justice to clear its desk.
Lawyers involved in the backlogged disputes say DOJ "cannot keep pace with the surge in charges brought by whistle-blowers," the Post reports. Since 2001, 300 to 400 civil cases have been filed each year; however, the 75-lawyer unit that reviews the allegations investigates about 100 cases annually. Whistle-blowers routinely wait 14 or more months to find out whether DOJ will get involved in the case, during which time whistle-blowers are not allowed to discuss or disclose the existence of such disputes. The government rejects about three-quarters of the cases it receives, saying the majority lack merit.
Perhaps, ...... if NIH quit funding CRAP Clinical Depression Research our DOJ wouldn't have such a ton of work already on its plate.
And what IS Clinical Depression anyway?
Clinical Depression - in 'Regular English' means that You went to a Clinic, and a Clinician decided You were Depressed, Wrote it down, Sold you a Steaming Pile of Incurable Diagnosis, and Ripped off Your Money, Health, and Rights, to Sell you an Illness.
And even With antidepressants you'll probably Still be depressed, because:
Their long term efficacy leaves almost Everything, ..... Except a Life Time Vampire in your neck, ..... to be desired. Don't Think So? See our post on Schizophrenic Fish ..... and Prozac's Inability to even inhibit long term displays of aggression in the $10.99 brain of an aquarium fish.
Oops, Sorry. Those are TAX FUNDED fish: which means You probably got 'Mental Healthed' for a Whole lot More than $10.99 apiece on yet Another, already documented that It Don't Work, ..... 'Mental Health' Investigative Rerun.
And with Due Deference to All those tireless and well intentioned bloggers who are Ripping the Death Mask clean off of this Bio-$cience, ...... will Someone Please, ...... tell us Where, and in Which Anatomy Textbook, ...... Any Human Carcass contains a 'Wellness' which requires 'Treating' through BRAIN DAMAGE to achieve 'Mental Health'?
Read Charlotte Iserbyt again on Change Agents, ...... and understand that Wellness is not only bad grammar, but an agenda evacuated bag of linguistic methane.
People, ...... you Do own a Whole Slather of organs, ..... which can be damaged or destroyed by Expensive Psych Meds, ..... to 'Treat' something you Don't own: ..... a Wellness.
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