You Don't have to be a Neuroscientist to understand them. They are Brief, plainly written, and Right to the point. Together they will teach you Everything you Need to know about the Lethal Junk Science of Psychiatry, ..... in a Half Hour or less.
Anatomy Of An Epidemic * by Robert Whitaker, 13 pages in length
Suicides and Psychiatric Drugs by Janne Larsson, 14 pages in length
Mr Whitaker concludes with:
A century ago, fewer than two people per 1,000 were considered to be"disabled" by mental illness and in need of hospitalisation. By 1955, that number had jumped to 3.38 people per 1,000, and during the past 50 years, a period when psychiatric drugs have been the cornerstone of care, the disability rate has climbed steadily, and has now reached around 20 people per 1,000. (Table 2). As with any epidemic, one would suspect that an outside agent of some type-a virus, a bacterial infection, or an environmental toxin was causing this rise in illness. That is indeed the case here. There is an outside agent fueling this epidemic of mental illness, only it is to be found in the medicine cabinet. Psychiatric drugs perturb normal neurotransmitter function, and while that perturbation may curb symptoms over a short term, over the long run it increases the likelihood that a person will become chronically ill, or ill with new and more severe symptoms. A review of the scientific literature shows quite clearly that it is our drug-based paradigm of care that is fueling this modem-day plague.From 2 to 20 is a 1000% Increase.
From Chapter 14 (pg 13) of Larsson's Report
The officials at the National Board of Health and Welfare know that the psychiatric drugs can induce suicidality or increased suicidality (especially in the beginning, when doses are increased/lowered, when other drugs are added, or during the withdrawal phase). They are aware about the now accepted serious harmful drug effect akathisia as an underlying cause in cases of suicide and violence against others. They know that serious physical and mental conditions can be caused by the use of several psychiatric drugs at the same time and, as written before, the “adequate drug treatment” among the persons committing suicide was on the average four different psychiatric drugs the preceding year. There is in the material submitted to the Board about the treatment an abundance of evidence that harmful effects induced by the drugs are seen as even more “symptoms” – and that these harmful effects are then handled with even more drugs, with a fatal outcome.
But the psychiatric drugs are not challenged. No questions are asked about their role in the subsequent suicides. And the very reason for this is that old myths about the protective effect of antidepressants and neuroleptics against suicide – directly taken from the false marketing material of the pharmaceutical companies – still govern the activities at the top of the National Board of Health and Welfare.
The paradigm of Psychiatric 'Care' is to Misinterpret the Direct, Behavioral Toxicity which Psychiatric Drugs CAUSE in a person as evidence that the person is Ill-er than even the Ideate Peddling the Toxic Drugs had known, ...... in order to Profitably Sell their Victim even More of the Toxic Drug which Caused the Person's Behavior to Deteriorate in the First Place.
We're Re Running these 3 Videos in case You're New here. Neuroleptics/Antipsychotics CAUSE the Tardive Dyskinesias and Tardive Dystonias displayed in them.
Tardive Dystonia
how you can ask me not to curse when I watch this crap is cruel and unusual punishment!!
The most Infuriating part of these vids is the icy, Fence Post detachment of the 2 women talking to and About the victims.
Perhaps we'll have to rethink that comment policy.
And at the risk of Seeming to Patronize, since you are Far better versed in this subject than We are:
Cursing would display a "Lack of Insight into the Need to Heal Through Gratefulness for the Psychiatric DRUG MONEY Opinions which inflict Tardive Dyskinesias on others."
Hi, D Bunker. I'm really sorry because I couldn't open the PDF about suicide and psychiatric drugs. I'll have to make do with the excerpts you put in your blog. Thanks for the excelent source.
For anyone experiencing a similar problem; the Janne Larsson PDF is also available at
or by searching the following
("Janne Larsson") NEAR ("suicides & psychiatric drugs")
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