Most Popular Congressional Investments, 2010
Just like many Americans, our elected officials like to play it safe with their investments, betting largely on blue chip companies across diverse industry groups. The chart below shows the most common assets among all members of Congress who served during all or part of 2010, ranked by the number of members invested in them, with breakdowns by party.
Note: Senate, House, Executive branch and Judicial rules require the disclosure of items belonging to the filer's spouse and/or dependent children. When present, those items are displayed on this page and are included in all calculations throughout this section.
Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.
Thank You Very Much, Open Secrets, and a hat tip to Ms Tracy Staton at Fierce Pharma for the heads up. And what is it that Congress is Buying, for their Own portfolios?
Allen Jones Full Whistleblower Report pg 23:
"Journalist Robert Whitaker, via the Freedom of Information Act gained access to FDA data on
the drug trials for the Atypicals Risperdal, Seroqual and Zyprexa. Whitaker found that:
1. One in every 145 patients who entered the trials died, and yet those deaths were never
mentioned in the scientific literature.
2. The trials were structured to favor the Atypicals and most of the study reports were
discounted by the FDA as being biased.
3. One in every thirty-five patients in Risperdal trials experienced a serious adverse event, defined by the FDA as a life threatening event or one that required hospitalization.
4. Twenty-two percent of patients in Zyprexa trials suffered serious adverse events
5. The Atypicals did not demonstrate superior effectiveness or safety over Typical
It is important to note that a drug company does not have to prove that a new drug is safer or
more effective than an old drug to gain FDA approval. Essentially, the manufacturer has to
demonstrate that the drug is proved to yield better results than placebo in a statistically
significant number of patients in short-term trials (6-8 weeks).
Suicide attempt was associated with discontinuation in 1.2% of RISPERDAL!-treated patients compared to 0.6% of placebo patients, but, given the almost 40-fold greater exposure time in RISPERDAL! compared to placebo patients, it is unlikely that suicide attempt is a RISPERDAL!-related adverse event (see PRECAUTIONS). Discontinuation for extrapyramidal symptoms was 0% in placebo patients, but 3.8% in active-control patients in the Phase 2 and 3 trials.
Yeah, a 100% Increase in actual Suicide Attempts, but it's probably not the drug which is Inflicted/Marketed as a Suicide Preventative, ......... .
"this Court finds the actions of the Defendants, upon this audience, to be detestable."
"Annual Sales of Risperdal worldwide per annual reports of Johnson & Johnson, Inc.1994: $0.172 Billion1995: $0.343 Billion1996: $0.502 Billion1998: $0.588 Billion1999: $0.892 Billion2000: $1.083 Billion2001: $1.845 Billion2002: $2.146 Billion2003: $2.512 Billion2004: $3.05 Billion2005: $3.552 Billion2006: $4.180 Billion2007: $4.697 Billion2008: $1.309 Billion2009: $1.425 Billion2010: $1.50 BillionTotal for the period: $29.796 BillionTestimony at trial indicated that the profit margin for sales of Risperdal was 97% or $28.90 Billion for the period of 1994-2010"
Are you going to Pay Attention from now until Election Day?
Are you going to call your current Elected Representatives and ask them What, they think they're doing?
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