Rell Vetoes Health Reform Bills, Citing Expense In Face Of State Deficit
"Two bills to reform health care in Connecticut drew vetoes Wednesday from Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell, who called the measures too expensive for the state right now.If it were possible, or had ever been possible, for Govt to fully fund Health Care for every American, it would have been Done, long before now. Bringing home that pork would assure every Politician of re-election in perpetuity.
The bills would have provided universal health care and allowed municipalities, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations to join the state's gigantic insurance pool.
Although the Democrats hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the legislature, it was not immediately clear whether lawmakers would attempt an override.
Noting that the state faces a projected $8.85 billion deficit over the next two fiscal years, Rell said the universal SustiNet plan would cost an estimated $1 billion per year. A key problem, she said, was that the bill did not provide any explanation of how the plan would be PAID for.
"These are well-intentioned bills that seek to address critically important issues, but they ultimately fail to resolve the central problems of access and affordability," Rell said. "These bills also raise serious fiscal concerns that — in a time of record budget deficits, record unemployment and record business closures — simply cannot be ignored. These two bills would cost billions of dollars before any economic recovery is complete." ..... "
This country does not possess the equity to underwrite the full cost, nor has it ever. Despite cranking the Fed Reserve printing presses to underwrite Medicare for Decades, Medicare remains a crippled duck. If the Fed were to Print/Inflate us into the monopoly money needed, the entire economy would collapse within 6 months.
In Nov 2008 we ran:
It's Over: America Implodes: Health Care Costs
Where the WSJ Health Blog Opined that in a mere 9 years Health Care Costs will consume 40% of the average family's pre tax income. So if we just turn it over to Govt, YOU won't pay Anything, Right?
Since Govt won't be Able to charge you Your 40% Plus their own Add On 40%, they'll have to Cut somewhere, ..... as in Services Delivered. The Rich aren't going to Pay your 40%. How do you think they got to be, and remain, the Rich. Are we Also going to get rid of K Street, and the Lobbying the Rich do, to Remain the Rich? What, do you need Another picture of Don Adams and his Shoe Phone?
And, in that above post you can also revisit "Pharmaceutical Industry Hustlers":
"Shrinks on the take are so addicted to industry money that it's impossible to embarrass them. Last year, the press ran major stories when this report came out, highly critical of how much money they were making. This year, the average amount rose by 25%."What's needed is not Govt Health Care/Enabling of More of this, to steal a phrase from Dr Aubrey Blumsohn, "Pot of Dubiousness", but Govt Fire Axing through strengthened DOJ, SEC & FTC of the existing mega conglomerate Private Insurers, Providers & Chemical Factories into smaller, truly competitive entities.
Govt Health Care cannot work because it will Never be allowed to fail itself Out of business.
Without the Specter of unemployment looming over its employees, & its private shareholders (not public shareholders who Can't sell their shares & have to continue Buying them) taking a financial bath, it will never have any Incentive to hold down costs or provide real services.
If Connecticut is already $8.85 Billion in the red over the coming 2 years, adding another $Billion per year is the last thing they need, ...... especially if even 1 Cent of it will be spent Poisoning out Opinions of 'Unspecified, Not Otherwise Specified, Bio-Non-$cience Disorders' in Anyone.
Medical Publishing Co. Calls Bullshit
"Conclusion: Psychiatry Lacks the Fundamental Elements of ANY Field Claiming To Be A Science."

DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 296.90: Mood Disorder NOS
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 300.9: Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic)
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 301.9: Personality Disorder NOS
Connecticut's AG has already had a $190 Million Dollar Plus RICO disagreement with Eli Lilly over their Antipsychotic Zyprexa. The AG's release is HERE, and the AG's complaint is HERE.
pg 10: 28
Between 1996 and 2006 the State of Connecticut paid or reimbursed more than $190 Million for Zyprexa, spending about an average of $240 per one month's 10 mg supply of Zyprexa. It has spent countless additional funds on medical expenditures relating to injuries arising out of the use of Zyprexa.The AG's Release speaks of "Serious Mental Illnesses". For Chrissakes, See the Above Billing Codes. Then check our label Side Effects.
Susan, at "If You're Going Through Hell" has a post on New Jersey Govt Hospitals making Their Inmates lives Hell with Smoking Bans.
Complete Smoking Ban Starts At NJ Psychiatric Facilities
Antipsychotic Drugs - Zyprexa among them - which are becoming common as Chewing Gum through the sort of marketing alleged in the above Conn AG links - take 25 Years off a persons life, but NJ Bureaucrats are going to Prolong their State Hospital Inmates Lives by forbidding them a Cigarette. (which can Also get the not-as yet-Diagnosed summarily condemned and chemically executed, going in Both Directions)
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 305.10: Nicotine Dependence
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 292.0: Nicotine Withdrawal
And Poisoning those Life Long Incurable Mental Illnesses can Feed you into these Further Psychiatric Meat Grinder Billing Codes:
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 332.1 Neuroleptic Induced Parkinsonism
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 333.1 Medication Induced Postural Tremor
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 333.7 Neuroleptic Induced Acute Dystonia
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 333.82 Neuroleptic Induced Tardive Dyskinesia
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 333.90 Medication Induced Movement Disorder NOS
That's State/Universal Health Care. Do you Want to get Hosed for Even More of it?
And it IS Coming. Psychiatrys DSM, Pill Peddlers manual is being rewritten/expanded.
See Soulful Sepulcher for:
DSM-V Writing Process A Bar Room Brawl
Congratulations to Conn. for Electing Gov Jodi Rell, and her Veto pen, in the 1st place.
This surprises me because Ms. Rell is a cancer survivor.
What would she have done to go through chemo with no insurance?
Supporters of Single Payer love citing the Govt Health Care of other developed nations as a model America should adopt.
Whether the rest of the world likes it or not, the Rest of the world's economies are dependent upon the American economy. If It collapses, so do Theirs.
America's Political Orgy of spending its grandchildren into indentured servitude chasing the Chimera of Free Health Care must be reigned in.
It is Precisely this Drunken Feast at the Public Trough which has brought us to the 1 in 5 Need to be Brain Damaged with $40.3 Billion of Psych Drugs last year alone, Psychiatric paradigm. If that Money wasn't On the table to begin with Psychiatry/Pharma wouldn't be snorting it up.
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
Winston Spencer Churchill
Gov Rell has taken a courageous stance, drawing heat from many corners, and she is to be Commended for it.
When Psych actually Cures Jack, and the Constitution is Lawfully Amended to guarantee Free Govt Dispensed Health Care to Drug Murder American Citizens based upon the Failed Theories of Jackasses like Freud, Jung & Skinner et al, then We'll drink the National Socialist, Jonestown Kool Aid too.
And Not before.
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