Pressing Problems Sidetrack FDA Fixes
FDA's reliance on Self policing by food growers has brought us salmonella from jalapenos. And our World's Gold Standard can't even assure us of the Country of Origin of chicken treats which are Killing our canine best friends.
So what Can our $2.4 Billion next year FDA assure us into?
"Once treatment is stopped, the --------- will eventually return to their pretreatment condition."
Hmmm, Another Max Factor Job.
Today the treatment of Cancer is morphing NYT 6/6/04 from a Cure into a cancerous Incurable but 'Manageable' - Billable - Life Sentence, just like 'Mental Illness' remains a Life Sentence, ...... with Its Dope Dealing Investigators abashedly admitting that 1st Amendment Violations are beyond even Their DSM Tarot Billing Divinations to cure.
You figure it out, and Hope that Your Govt. Single Payer Health Insurance never Runs out, while it's turning Your cancer into a Lifelong, Billable, Disability, ..... as Congress Keeps grinding out Thousands of regulations addressing the co-pay gantlet You and Your running Cancer will be bludgeoned by, ....... to Bill You, for the Blue Sky Promise, that Everyone will have affordable Health Care Coverage, ...... eventually, ..... if they're able to Pay the enrollment fees and deductibles, ...... which require a TAX FUNDED army of billing experts to explain, ...... because if You read the Actual Regs under Title 42 Public Health, You may end up with a 'Mental Illness' of your Own. So "Ask Your Health Care Provider", ..... which is Why we have all this Health Care Fraud in the 1st place.
But that's OK, because we voted for CHANGE.
Our new FDA CHANGE, at least on the Food Safety fiasco, is:
"This is an issue that will have to wait its turn," said Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, ..... a friend of President-elect Barack Obama.
Because: It's going to Cost us $Millions, as Obama Stacks The Energy And Climate Deck, Because: Global Warming Must retain Its Equal seat at the Why Detroit Needs Help Voting Block table.
President CHANGE Isn't Willing to have the Fed Reserve ink a Hundred $Million more in junk paper to wallpaper FDA's culture of "User Fee" managerial reprisal against its OWN Scientists, ..... But President CHANGE, IS Willing to have the Fed Reserve print another $TRILLION in junk paper to Bail Out Industry, ...... which, .....
In August 2007 Sen Grassley contacted NIH regarding Unlawful managerial Monkey Shines afflicting NIEH/NIH employees - and their bonuses - who might Dare to speak to the Finance Committee. The Senator was polite, but: "Now See Here, You" to then NIH Director Elias Zerhouni:
"Once again Dr. Zerhouni, I would like to remind you that attempts to interfere with a Congressional inquiry is against the law. I have attached a copy of 18 U.S.C. § 1505 to this letter for your reference. That law states in pertinent part that: Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress-- Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both."At least the NIH has been brought to heel, after a US Senator had to chew them out for ...... just read it. Then call your relatives in Iowa, and tell them they're out of the will if they don't re-elect Grassley.
Science Insider 11/20 reports the Senator saying "They (NIH) can change the rules (regarding COI disclosures) if they want to, but ... they've got plenty of leverage with just yanking back grants."
Oh Jeezus here's that Dead horse again. Where's the tire iron?
We Could yank President CHANGE'S "We can't Afford to fix FDA because Pharma can't afford to Let us" additional $Millions out of NIH's Blind Stupor $24 Billion Take Your Neighbor's Money, PLEASE, Blowout, ...... like we recovered the WHOLE (not even) $9.3 NIH Million formerly (Thank God) funding Charles Nemeroff's Depression Hockey. But: ...... if FDA actually Labeled the Flippin' TRUTH onto those Psych Poisons, How, ...... would Pharma Ever eventually Drug and Bill those Incurable 60 Million Targeted, Not Otherwise Specified Americans?
Since our Appointed, NOT Elected, Bureaucrats, need reminding that They might be courting 5 years for interfering with Congressional oversight of $24 Billion, perhaps we'll have to just trust in the Integrity of our Institutions of Higher Learning, ..... Right? But isn't that what we've Been doing?
Alison Bass has Emory University displaying its Own(ed) impeccable Integrity, ...... to stand in for Both, FDA's 8 week trial "safe and effective" but the "long term effects are unknown," 15 Years later ...... and NIH's "We Don't Know WHAT the Hell anybody Does with those Billions," "completely unacceptable" and "N.I.H. will not tolerate" Integrity.
And Our "issue that will have to wait its turn" FDA, Trifecta, $500 Mill COI to Show, DEAD last Hayburner, funds off to stud (everybody) again. And SUVs will Still be evil but You won't Care because your Eyelashes will be longer, so long as you keep Buying the Temporary fix.
Chem cartels are long term strategic hustlers. Today's Psych Hustle Will eventually be dismantled, but how Long, ..... and how many more Casualties along the way? We've a sneaky suspicion that Cancer Management Pills will take up the slack, ..... at $1,000 or more per month pill sales, ..... and folks in 2025 will be discovering that the Real trial Data on the Cancer pills was tanked after all, as they and their parents are dying from thousands of Freedom Of Information Act uncovered, World's Gold Standard, Inadequate information systems to record them, ..... adverse events, ..... reported to the FDA a decade earlier.
And This one ought to Really warm your cockles: Google To Close Science Data Archive.
We've still got $Billions to Investigate, Condemn, and Sell Drugs to 1 in 5 Americans as 'Incurably Mentally Ill' but we've So Botched our economy while Diagnosing the 1st 8 Million that even Google is putting its data bases to store terabytes of research on Real Science like Astronomy, Lunar Exploration and Electric Car Batteries, on hold. When Google says Their economics say no, ...... We, Are, Screwed.
But at least we'll All be 'Mentally Healthy'.
Thank GOD, we voted for, ....... Yo, Seabiscuit, ..... where's that iron got off to? Oh, here it is, right next to those 'Incurably Mentally Ill' Pall Malls.
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 305.10: Nicotine Dependence
Freedom Rocks. Get on the phone and raise Hell before Pharma's Spook Busting Seabiscuit studs/smokes Your's, ..... along with your Life.
"In the absence of any federal regulation of unlicensed drug prescription and sales over the Internet, "the denial of state jurisdiction to punish the practice would provide the unscrupulous physicians who engage in it even greater freedom to do so," said Presiding Justice J. Anthony Kline." (in San Francisco)
Possible prison time (1) in Pennsylvania, San Francisco rules that internet Drug Peddlers Can be dragged across State lines, and Texas too? (2) This Trojan Horse, which Never should have been built in the 1st place, may need to dose Itself with Botox and Cogentin before 2009 is over.
Thanks to Dr Aubrey Blumsohn at Scientific Misconduct for his Pharmaceutical Mergers history.
And Hey, It's New Years Eve. The Highways will be Loaded with Drunks. Don't be one. We're staying In for a solitary bite, ..... another dropped jaw glare at Seabiscuit, ..... and a New Year's wish spanning America, ..... for those who deserve better.
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