There's speculation that President Obama's Administration Might, quash FDAs end run around Congress through FDAs own Heisting of the Supremacy Clause. Again; the Constitution doesn't empower the FDA to invoke the Santa Clause, much less tell Congress where to get off with its $500 Mill COI, Black Hole Event Horizon, Supremacy Clause. You can Believe in 'Obama = No Preemption', only when you See it Actually Happen, because K Street - like rust - never sleeps.
news.muckety.com - has PhRMA playing "Party Host" to the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
news.muckety.com - has "[Robert Wood] Johnson [IV], the owner of the New York Jets and heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, has raised millions for John McCain’s presidential campaign."
What Nov 4th actually accomplished was that Dad, driving the Uniparty Dodge all Over our liberties, succumbed to protest from the kids and changed course from McDonald's to Burger King.
At rollcall.com K Street's Janus is nervously eying the incoming Administration's 'proposed' raft of new regulations. It seems They are of two minds regarding their two faced enrichment schemes which necessitate Driving Your liberties into the outhouse in order to continue profitably wiping their Own Industrial bottom lines on them.
"In a [sic] historic election that saw America’s first African-American president and expanded Democratic majorities in Congress, K Street was cheering for something else as well: a cornucopia of potential new business."
“People are saying: ‘This is going to be horrible, Obama’s going to regulate everything. The horrible people are going to take over,’” said one lobbyist who did not wish to be identified."
So just what kind of Take Over Regulations has President Elect Obama been proposing to CHANGE our way of life? And even After hearing this 16 sec bite a Million times, ..... we Still elected this guy?
A Civilian National Security Force, the size of our Military? What's next? The Bureau Of State Security? (acronym BOSS) And how are we going to PAY for that CHANGE, ..... Mr. President?
Today; After our troops pull 3 & 4 tours of having Their team shot at, road bombed, crippled and killed, ..... they come home to be Civied and Bushwacked as PTSD guinea pigs for Chemical Factory Test Riggings, ..... hawked by Sold Out Scoundrels who are now being questioned - along with the Chemical Factories themselves - by the Senate Finance Committee over their buckets of Scoundrel/Factory, Test Rigging, Off Label Marketing, Money.
One outfit even Shanghaied 2 prominent, and world beloved Diplomats from the State of Pooh: none other than the venerable Deputy Chief Ambassadors Tigger & Eeyore themselves, to peddle product. Why did the kidnappers equate their targeted Psychically Omnipotent Ideates with the Romper Room set?
What manner of Ideate would snatch Pooh Toons, to leash them into red lit cue card/store front windows as purveyors of chemical surcease from life's sometimes distressing reality, ..... that life is just Not all milk & cookies? (unless of course Their work papers identify Them as an Ewok in some George Lucas chem cookie Empire)
UI's Andreasen Leads Report On VA Post-Traumatic Stress Cases
"The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) should revise how it evaluates and compensates former military personnel for service-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to an Institute of Medicine and National Research Council report issued May 8. The report committee was chaired by University of Iowa psychiatry professor Nancy Andreasen.
PTSD cases within the VA system jumped almost 80 percent between fiscal years 1999 and 2004, increasing from 120,265 cases to 215,871. PTSD payments increased almost 150 percent over the same period, rising from $1.72 billion to $4.28 billion."
NYT interview with Dr. AndreasenQ. AND WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND?
A. , ..... the more drugs you’ve been given, the more brain tissue you lose.Q. ARE YOU WORRIED YOUR FINDINGS MIGHT BE MISUSED?
A. The reason I sat on these findings for a couple of years was that I just wanted to be absolutely sure it was true. My biggest fear is that people who need the drugs will stop taking them.
Between 1992 - 2007 Dr. Andreasen bagged just over $38 Million NIH bucks to take brain tissue losing photos, ..... and she sat on her brain tissue losing photos for a couple of years, ..... just to make sure she was "Absolutely Sure."
Dr Andreasen was the Chair Dr. of the DSM-IV-TR 7 member Schizophrenia Defining Work Group, which would place her as the Industry Standard Bearer for Schizophrenia pills/antipsychotic, sales.Washington Post April 20, 2006
"Andreasen said she would have to check her tax statements to know whether she received money from companies at the time she worked on the panel, but said, "What I do know is that I do almost nothing with drug companies. . . . My area of research is neuroimaging, not psychopharmacology."
Link, AstraZeneca Panels
Dr Andreasen, would you characterize that AstraZeneca panel as researching Neuroimaging, and Not Psycopharmacology? And is that the same Dr. Schatzberg of those razor timed Corcept/RU486 Stock Dumps? And is that the Same Dr. Schatzberg who is scheduled for Coronation as the President of the American Psychiatric Association in May of 2009?
Link, The $45K Giveaway
DSM-TR-IV Billing Code: 294.0: Amnesiac Disorder Due To [Indicate the General Medical condition] Without Disturbance
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code: 294.8: Amnesiac Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Dr Andreasen wrote a book which (purportedly) explains the mazy intricacies of Bio Scientific (drug treatable) 'Mental Illness' to the lesser, as yet Unconverted acolytes to the sacred temple of Bio Scientific (drug buying) as yet Undiagnosed, 'Incurably Mentally Ill'. Dr. Andreasen's book is titled 'The Broken Brain'.
Check Amazon's New, Used, and Collectible Prices. That will tell you what the as yet Undiagnosed and Unconverted 'Incurably Mentally Ill' who had to Break Their Asses Paying for her $38 Million worth of the more drugs you’ve been given, the more brain tissue you lose Photos, ..... think of her Broken Brain, ..... right down to the $0.01
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