Without intentionally stupifying generation after generation, the world's RICHEST DRUG CARTEL could NEVER have slipped their multi HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR SCAM - the LIE that human brains are broken and need to BUY and INGEST THEIR POISONS, for LIFE and PREMATURE DEATH - past even the Pigeon guided mind of B.F. Skinner. Yes: it's Hundreds of Billions when you add up the attendant Health Care and Lost Productivity costs that antipsychotics, antidepressants, and their prescribers are responsible for.
Wiki on Skinner:
"Pigeon Guided Missile
The US Navy required a weapon effective against the German Bismarck class battleships but although missile and TV technology existed, the size of the primitive guidance systems available rendered any weapon ineffective. Project Pigeon[23] [24]was potentially an extremely simple and effective solution but despite an effective demonstration, it was abandoned as soon as more conventional solutions were available. The project centered around dividing the nose cone of a missile into three compartments, and encasing a pigeon in each. The compartments for each had a video image of what was in front of them, and the pigeons would peck toward the object, thereby directing the missile. [25] Skinner complained "our problem was no one would take us seriously."[26] The point is perhaps best explained in terms of human psychology (i.e. few people would trust a pigeon to guide a missile no matter how reliable it proved)"
If Skinner's "an effective demonstration" had "Proved Reliable", and the US Navy had nothing better to sink Bismarck Class Battleships, then the US Navy would have USED Skinner's Project, even if only for a week or two, until they had something better. WWII was a desperate affair and No One sat around waiting for Super Weapon technology when Battleships needed sinking.

That's right: a blowgun dart through its brain and it's still ticking, but the US Fed. Dept of Education paid enough attention to Skinner and his parlor tricks with pigeons and rats, to corrupt our Entire education system into viewing children as pigeons and rats, waiting for food treats.
Back to WIKI:
"Skinner received a PhD from Harvard in 1931, and remained there as a researcher until 1936. He then taught at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and later at Indiana University, where he was chair of the psychology department from 1946–1947, before returning to Harvard as a tenured professor in 1948. He remained at Harvard for the rest of his career."
Isn't it Harvard Med School that just had a 'Researcher' forget that he was supposed to report $1.6 Million in DRUG MONEY, as a financial COI?
While that 'Researcher' was Poisoning little Children, with Seroquel?
NYT Bloomberg Boston Globe
So just what is it that Pigeons, Rats, and DRUG MONEY teach us?

The NYT article has N.I.H. spokesman John Burkow stating: "If there have been violations of N.I.H. policy — and if research integrity has been compromised — we will take all the appropriate action within our power to hold those responsible accountable. This would be completely unacceptable behavior, and N.I.H. will not tolerate it.”
How would N.I.H. even Know, if there have been violations of their policy, when N.I.H. Deputy Director for Extramural Research Dr. Norka Ruiz Bravo in This NYT piece - from Jan 19 2008 - said: “For us to try to manage directly the conflict-of-interest of an N.I.H. investigator would be not only inappropriate but pretty much impossible,”
The N.I.H. hands out $23 Billion in other people's money, and they don't know if there's been a violation of their own policy, because it would be "inappropriate" to even bother to Look toward "completely unacceptable behavior" which they "will not tolerate".
Eugen Bleuler worked His Schizophrenia Voodoo with Dogs. Skinner, a wee bit later, had descended to Guiding Human Behavior, by Investigating/Feeding Pigeons. Take 1 Intentional, Pigeon Guided step down Stupid Street, and your course is inexorable: a Harvard Med School Man, or 3, Poisoning 4-6 yr. old Children while failing to disclose that they were 'TAKING the DRUG MONEY.'
"People didn't reinforce me, but my rats did." Skinner recalled when his rats responded to his "Behave, Damn You!"
B.F. Skinner: 'The Behavior of Organisms' 1938.
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