Saturday, October 18, 2014

Socialist Hypocrisy On Parade In Seattle: Group Demands $15 hr Min Wage, Offers New Hires $13 hr.

Hilarious hypocrisy.

Via WFB:
Seattle-based group The Freedom Socialist Party, which owns and regularly campaigns for a $15/hour minimum wage, advertised a job on Wednesday that offers just $13 an hour.
The group has taken particular interest in campaigning for a higher minimum wage in Seattle, where the posted job is located.
The advertised job’s description says that the wage is negotiable depending on experience, but the group has said that living wage must start at at least $15–not $13 or $14 an hour.

Thank You Nickarama.

It would be a lot funnier if America Voted based on the hypocrisy of people like these. Oh, . . . wait.

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