Monday, July 22, 2013

Poll: Only 11% of Doctors Have Faith In ObamaCare

Poll: Only 11% of Doctors Have Faith In ObamaCare

Or as HHS Chief Sebelius calls them, racists.
The doctor is . . . skeptical about the Affordable Care Act. And clueless, too.
A new survey shows that an overwhelming percentage of physicians don’t believe that their states’ new health insurance exchanges will meet the Oct. 1 deadline for those key Obamacare marketplaces to begin enrolling the uninsured.
Just 11 percent of doctors believe those exchanges will be open for business that day.
But those doctors, by a wide margin, also said they are “not at all familiar” with how a number of important aspects of those exchanges and plans offered on them will work—aspects that will directly affect their bottom lines. More than 65 percent of them gave that answer to all but one of the questions asking their familiarity with plan benefits levels, contracted rates with insurers, patient coverage terms and the claims process.
Keep reading…

Thank You CNBC and Zip
doctors, by a wide margin, also said they are “not at all familiar”
Why doesn't That surprise us?

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