Thursday, August 28, 2008

Antipsychotics: 3.5 X More Strokes in Elderly/Dementia

Reuters brings us:

"Antipsychotic Drugs Double Stroke Risk: Study"

"LONDON (Reuters) - People taking antipsychotic drugs are nearly twice as likely to have a stroke compared to those not on the treatment, British researchers reported on Friday.

The risk is even higher -- about 3.5 times -- for men and women with dementia, which means doctors should only prescribe such medicine to these patients as a last resort, the researchers said."

And We'll be damned if this study wasn't published by the British Medical Journal itself: whom - among Medical Journals - have a rep. as being the Least likely to BS you.

Eurekalert's Rachel Davies will hook you up with the actual BMJ article, if Our next link won't.

BMJ article: Exposure To Antipsychotics and Risk Of Stroke: Self Controlled Case Series Study

Here's reports On the report.

Washington Post art. by Steve Reinberg

The Press Association UK. Here we find that a 50% reduction in the use of these Antipsychotics could save £35 Million. England is blowing £70 Million on these toxins, every year, to induce strokes, among the elderly, at up to a 3.5 fold greater incidence?

BBC informs us that they've got an upcoming 'National Dementia Strategy' this fall.

Telegraph UK's Rebecca Smith reports that over 100,000 oldsters get antipsychotics "inappropriately" each year.

InTheNews, UK, has also stepped up to the plate.

Natural News tells us that an estimated 45% of nursing home residents are hosed with antipsychotic Stroke Inducing straight jackets.

BMJ article: Psychiatry In Crisis: It Seems, the Royal Shrink Factory has a few empty desks, through Recruitment Problems.

Now; We read that the average onset of these nursing home Stroke incidents among the elderly in England is 80-81 years. So they were born in 1927, 1928.

Even Carl Jung's "Demi Deity" buddy Adolph Hitler couldn't kill these folks. They survived the V2 attacks. They were teens when the bombs were falling. So they put out fires and helped the wounded and dying. And This is how we repay them, as fodder for a £70 Million DRUG DEAL.

A 'National Dementia Strategy' huh? It sounds like they need one, to weed out the Demented Wretches poisoning these WWII survivors with antipsychotics.

1 comment:

  1. Increased strokes from meds is irresponsible and you know nobody is going to be in trouble for it. How many lives are meds going to end as well as ruin?

    I had a client's who's doc prescribe an anti-psychotic med to her. She was able to take care of herself and her daughter just fine, but the doc thought she should try a new med. She experienced the side effect of audio hallucinations and a manic episode that required her to be hospitalized and sedated. This destroyed this woman's remaining self-confidence as well as scaring the crap out of her 8 year old daughter. The doc didn't believe it was the meds so had her try it again, for a total of three times. Same result each times. The daughter had to be taken in by family.

    Patrick Glancy, BCH


All standard cautions apply. Your milage may vary.

So Try to be an Adult, [no carpet F bombings, Pron, open threats, etc.] and not a Psychiatrist, about it. Google account, for now, is no longer required to comment, but moderation is in effect.