Thursday, April 24, 2008

Govt. Programs Cure Everyone, Except The Patient

Cal. Diversion Program for Drunken or Drug addicted Dentists and Dental Assistants.

DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 303.00: Alcohol Intoxication
DSM-IV-TR Billing Code 292.89: Amphetamine Intoxication

Why are these Dental DSM-ables being [Cal BPC sec 1698 (a)(b)] Rehabilitated back into Your mouth with hypodermics, high speed drills, needle pics, and scrapers, when the DSM-IV-TR qualifies them as 'Incurably Mentally Ill'?

This Govt. Program states that 'DSM-able as Incurably Mentally Ill' Dental workers may Complete their Rehabilitation [with subsequent destruction of the records Of their Rehabilitation], as overseen by Diversion Committees of "3 dentists, 1 dental auxiliary, 1 physician or psychologist, and 1 public member who have experience or knowledge in the field of chemical dependency."

Dentists and Dental assistants are not subject to relapse? Because Govt. says they've been successfully rehabilitated?..... unlike You, who Don't have a Patient Diversion Program/Lobby/get out of mental illness 5th Ace up Your sleeve?

The 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark Expeditioners were lavishly entertained by Native American lovelies as they crossed North America 2 centuries ago: so lavishly entertained that they were repeatedly infected with syphilis, and repeatedly dosed with large pills known as Dr. Rush's Thunder Clappers. Dr. Benjamin Rush today adorns the American Psychiatric Association's crest.

Dr. Rush's Thunder Clapper cure all included mercurous chloride.

Haberdashers had been working felt into hats, with mercury, since at least the 17th century, and the effects of mercury poisoning were known in Psychiatric Icon Benjamin Rush's day.

IAOMT.ORG [International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology] has a fascinating video trailer called "Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas".

Mercury Poisoning Symptoms

But You [the Non-Dental/Physician/Psychiatrist] are 'Incurably Mentally Ill' as attested to in a Financially Conflicted Consensus of DSM Opinion. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the grossly Profitable, grossly Financially Conflicted Health Care Industry itself, could it?

More Mercury Poisoned links.

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