Friday, March 21, 2008

Road To Hell Paved With ? Intentions

The WSJ brings us yet another revealing report loaded with Stink Links.

Socialized Medicine/Universal Health Care in Mass. magically discovers it needs MORE FUNDING THAN ORIGINALLY PERCEIVED. We're Shocked! Shocked and Amazed I Tell You. Simply Shocked. NOT.

Every damn time Govt gets into handing out goodies it does so by first picking the pockets of the recipients. And it's not just money in Mass. Even if Mass. Govt. DOES grease the TAX HIKES past the TAX PAYERS, there'll still be a SHORTAGE of HEALTH CARE, for REAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS, NOT this Fascistic societal control crap called 'Mental Illness'.

For every $1 in goodies GOVT. hands You, it Has to Charge You $8, because That's how efficient Govt is, at wasting Your money. opens with a pic of the BACKS of uniformed ADVOCATES for ? We Love the caption.

"Healthcare advocates attended a meeting yesterday in Boston of the panel that oversees the subsidized health insurance program. The panel voted to raise premiums for some enrollees."

What are these faceless uniformed Advocates advocating for? Raises?

In Mass. After being bled for vampiric gas taxes Drivers then get robbed a Second time to burn up that gas, on the Mass. Turnpike: where toll booths repeatedly gouge them on a 'Pay per mile' scam. Set your alarm clock for coming hikes on the Pike, at the Cigarette store, Liquor store, whatever. They'll fly this barrage balloon right under the radar, or my name's not Millard Fillmore.

Back on Jan. 28 '08 the WSJ brought us a similar reportage from the Office of Socialist Central Planning and Coordination in Kalifornia.

So where's the dough coming from to cover these 'Budget Shortfalls'?

"The power to tax is the power to destroy."

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton

"The king's cheese is half wasted in parings;
but no matter, 'tis made of the people's milk." attributed: Ben Franklin

Ya know, if we weren't getting such a God-Awful national gouging over the myth of 'Mental Illness' already, the 'Budget Shortfalls' wouldn't seem so 'Intentional'.

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