Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Planned Parenthood To Spend $30 Million To Help Defeat "A##hole" "Racist" Donald Trump

Thought all those tax dollars they keep slurping up were for 'Women's Health'?

Says the group who receives more than $500 million annually in taxpayer funds.
PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Donald Trump may think Planned Parenthood does “good work,” but its members have few nice things to say about the presumptive GOP frontrunner in return.
“Asshole,” “racist,” “chauvinist,” “dangerous,” “unqualified” and “pendejo“ were all words Planned Parenthood volunteers used when asked to share their thoughts about Trump. One woman said she thought a fart noise would be more appropriate than an actual word.
Nearly 1,000 of Planned Parenthood’s most active volunteers gathered in Pittsburgh this past weekend for an intensive Power of Pink grassroots training, the kickoff for the organization’s 2016 work. The group has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton, so mobilizing against Trump will be a major focus.
“He says in the same breath that he loves Planned Parenthood, we do great work and at the same time vows to defund us because we provide abortion access. That’s no friend of ours,” said Deirdre Schifeling, who leads the group’s national organizing and electoral work.
Trump recently promised that if elected president, he would also name anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court.
Planned Parenthood aims to spend close to $30 million in the 2016 election cycle to make sure he doesn’t get that chance. That amount would be the most money it ever spent in an election and double what it spent in the last cycle, according to Schifeling. The focus will be on reaching 5 million voters known as “swing women” — women who view access to reproductive health care as a core issue but are independents and flip between the parties.
On Saturday morning, the Power of Pink attendees gathered for a final rally that, at times, felt like a Purim carnival. Whenever, someone mentioned Trump, inevitably, the entire room would erupt in boos.
“Every election has stakes. This one has some serious stakes, ya’ll. Serious stakes. I’m just going to say it again: Donald Trump. If those are not stakes, I don’t know what else is,” said Marlon Marshall, the Clinton campaign’s director of state campaigns and political engagement.
heh, . . . heh heh.

Thanks Zip. 

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