Pelosi Confuses Constitution With Declaration Of Independence
“And so, it was 165 years ago, 165 years ago. Imagine the courage it took for those women to go to Seneca Falls and do what they did there, to even leave home without their husband’s permission, or father’s, or whoever it was.
To go to Seneca Falls, and to paraphrase what our founders said in the Constitution of the United States: they said the truths that are self-evident, that every man and woman, that men and women were created equal and that we must go forward in recognition of that.”
DefendWallSt | September 24, 2013 9:51 am
Thank You Weekly Standard and Zip
Well, at least she's traveling in First Rate Psychiatric Company.
Here's 2 well known Internet Psychiatrists. (at least we Think there's 2, the commentator responding to the site owners errors steadfastly refused our subsequent attempts to elicit either a denial or confirmation of their identity as a Psychiatrist)
1boringoldman has;
In which, our Commenting, Uber Constitutional Psychiatric Breast Beater drew the mind numbing conclusion that:
The "Right To Life" contained in the 1st Amendment to the Declaration of Independence trumped the Constitution's 2nd Amendment.
Go read the post, with a Bromo, after First clearing all drinking materials away from your computer.
And notice that rather than actually Have the discussion They predicated upon Gross Errors, the site owner shut off the comments.
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All standard cautions apply. Your milage may vary.
So Try to be an Adult, [no carpet F bombings, Pron, open threats, etc.] and not a Psychiatrist, about it. Google account, for now, is no longer required to comment, but moderation is in effect.