Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Jan 11: Obama Administration News

Remember Whose celebrating this, in trade for free cell phones, as you pick you way through the news. 

President Obama's Two Hundred and Seventh Week in Office
Obama Ethics, Year 4
It's 3am and nobody's there
Obama and Agenda 21
Community Organizer to the World
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Obama and Israel
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama vs The U.S. Military
Obama Dead Pool file
Proof Benghazi was Murder of Stevens: Hillary (Clinton) began pushing the fake "protests against a video blaspheming the prophet" BEFORE WOODS AND DOHERTY WERE KILLED. Per the story below, the Associated Press first published a story on Hillary's official statement on Benghazi at 10:58pm Eastern, which means that the State Department must have released it BEFORE 10:58 pm EDT. Which means that is was actually written and composed hours before that. State Department press releases in the Secretary of State's name aren't written and released without all kinds of "approvals" and process. And this statement is written in nuanced prose, referencing "religious tolerance" and all kinds of bullshit. It isn't a flash bulletin. It was thought out, long and hard.  Doherty and Woods were killed by mortar fire between 11:14 and 11:26 pm EDT. Here is the citation link.
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Community Organizer to the World
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Obama Dead Pool File
It's 3am and nobody's there
Obama and Israel
Obama vs the U.S. Military
Is Obama Gay?
Attaaaaack Waaaatch
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama Dead Pool File
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Community Organizer to the World
Obama and Agenda 21
Obama and Israel
It's 3am and nobody's there
Attaaaack Waaaaatch
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Obama vs the U.S. Military
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama vs the U.S. Military
Is Obama Gay?
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Community Organizer to the World
Obama and Agenda 21
Obama and Israel
It's 3am and nobody's there
The Fix is in Part IV: Benghazi Cover-up: The Hand Shake: after the Benghazi Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Hillary’s stand-in witness (because she was ill and couldn’t testify) Thomas R. Nides, the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, rush up to his soon- to-be-new-boss, at the State Department, Chairman Kerry, and shake his hand?
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama Dead Pool
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Obama and Agenda 21
Obama and Israel
It's 3am and nobody's there
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Obama Voter Fraud
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Obama and Israel
It's 3am and nobody's there
Obama and Agenda 21
Let them eat...  kale
It's 3am and nobody's there
Obama and Israel
Obama and Egypt
Obama Ethics, Year 4
Is Obama Gay?
Obama Attacks the Second Amendment
Obama and Agenda 21
Joltin' Joe Biden

Thank You Free Republic and Nachum

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