Monday, July 20, 2009

California Budget Deal: It's 1984 For Grandma

The NYT has:

California Reaches Budget Deal, With Billions Cut

It Had to happen, and Govt employees all Over the State are wearing Hang Dog Frowns.

The State will be forcing unwilling localities to lend it funds, and promising them "I would gladly repay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

The elderly and infirm recipients of in home services (& their caregivers) will now be FINGERPRINTED for being Charged their entire working life to receive the Golden Promise of Glorious Peoples Republic Govt Redistributed Compassion, ...... in order to control Fraud.

Your bed ridden Grandmother gets Printed, as a Threat to State Security. Next it'll be Mug Shots and under the skin RFID Chips.

And Congress wants to stick THIS to All of America, as Their Best Understanding of a Better Idea.

To Raise Revenues California will also be having a garage sale with Governor Schwarzenegger autographing cars and office supplies. The mind boggles.

Own a box of Zyprexa pens, autographed by the Terminator.

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