Psychiatrists ideate, babble, and scribble of ideations. What does the word mean?
Rather than thumb that DSM telephone book of insurance billing codes: we went to a Real Dictionary: Websters 1923 complete; before Skinner's feedings of pigeons and rats edited even Non-Psych word definings.
1: The actual existence SUPPOSED to correspond with an idea,
the correlate in real existence to the idea as a thought existence.
[Hold the GD phone there Eustace. Who, when and where, has as yet, neuroimaged an idea and been able to read that pretty, colored brain photograph as a string of words, line drawings or any Other interpretable blue print conveying exactly What that idea was; ie: What that thinker was thinking?]
2: To form an idea; to conceive; especially to PRECONCEIVE or PREFIGURE as a Platonic idea: "The ideated man, ...... as he stood in the intellect of God. " Sir T Brown
[Now remember Eustace; Psychiatrists themselves through their PREFIGURED PRECONCEPTIONS tend to be Less religious than any other group of Physicians, so that G word kind of whacks their cherished ideating of their cherished ideations ass over tea kettle into the Sacred Cow barbecue, or at least it used to till they corrupted the word itself through embracing the ideatings of Seance Suckers, Hitler worshipers, pederasts, rat feeders, cocaine junkies and Eugenicists]
Back to Webster
function or capacity of the mind whereby or for it entertains ideas, the process of entertaining and relating ideas.
Since Psyches dehumanize and consume their prey through the reductions of their osmotic ideates, did you ever wonder what it is they themselves ideate about? We speculated upon what Psychiatrists who do more than just ideate over their ideations get in return for their muddle of obscurant by design ideatings.
We googled: psychiatrist NEAR arrested
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